The Proposal

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Though Tiwa has always been a good friend to her but the thought of Banky liking her does not make Tacha reciprocate Tiwa's sincere hand of friendship.

She intentionally ignored to greet Tiwa now because right now, she sees her as a threat.

Ignorant to what Tacha was up to, Tiwa greeted her first: "Hello Tacha, nice to see you again. How is everything?"

"Hmmm!" Tacha just hummed snobbing Tiwa's question.

"Excuse me, I want to use the restroom" Tiwa excused herself.

The truth is Tiwa was not pressed to use the restroom, she just wanted to escape from that choking atmosphere. She needed to clear her messy head and fussy mind; On one hand, is Banky saying and doing things she could not fully understand and the other is Tacha counteracting his action.

Tiwa stood at a corner in the open space of the church building lost in thought.

As soon as Tiwa left the table, Tacha mounted it facing Banky squarely with a lovely look.
"How's has been schooling?" Tacha asked Banky and soon engaged in a serious conversation with each narrating his/her experience in school.

While these conversations were ongoing, Banky was restless because Tiwa seems to take so long a time in the restroom. Quietly, he stood up from his seat and walked out. It would be weird if he headed to the restroom, so he just stood outside, anxiously awaiting Tiwa's arrival.

Peter observed Banky's action and soon afterwards, joined him outside.

"I don't think Tiwa went to the restroom at all. I guess she just came out to inhale fresh air. You know, the air in there wasn't comfortable for her to breathe in with Tacha present" Peter analysed.

"Your point makes sense but where could she possibly be?"
Banky agreed.

"Let's just look around, I'm sure we'll find her" Peter said.

Both boys began to look everywhere for Tiwa. They searched every corners of the church surroundings.

While the boys were at it, Tacha and Okoye make Tiwa and Banky their subjects of discussion.

"I know you're here to annul the chances of Banky and Tiwa being together" Said Okoye.

"Thanks for letting me know about Banky's plan" Tacha appreciated.

Okoye had texted Tacha - letting her know about Banky's plan tonight which prompted her to leave school in a hurry even though they're yet to be on vacation and still have an exam paper left to be written.This shows how desperate Tacha is to have Banky all to herself.

"You know I'll always side with you. I've always wanted you and Banky to be together and not the other way round. You have my loyalty right from secondary school and it's not going to change now" Okoye pledged.

"I know, thank you." Tacha smiled.
"Now that I'm here, I don't think he's going to execute the proposal" Tacha added with a wicked smile.

* * *

"We found her!" Peter almost shouted when he saw Tiwa standing a reasonable steps away from them.

"Where?" Banky asked.

"There." Peter pointed ahead of him.

"Finally." Banky tensed nerve relaxes when he saw the figure ahead of him.

"Good luck" Peter tapped his shoulder and left for the auditorium.

Banky gazed at him and nodded. After taking a few breaths, he walked towards Tiwa.

"Hey! Thought you've left"  Banky said on getting to Tiwa's side.

"I couldn't, even if I want to. I told my mom I was coming for praise night" Tiwa explained.

"Plus, you cannot leave without telling me" Banky added.

"What makes you think that?" Tiwa asked.

"Something just tells me that. My gut maybe?" Replied Banky.

Tiwa just smiled without replying.
"Maybe your gut is right?" She said inwardly to herself.

"What are you thinking of?" Banky moved closer and held her hands.

"Nothing in particular, I'm just trying to figure out something"

"What's it? Banky asked.

Tiwa hesitated for a moment before she finally voiced her concerns: "What were you trying to hint at by saying a golden ring will fits perfectly with my wristwatch?"

"Oh that! I thought you did not care but you actually do care. I'm glad you do." Banky stated.
"Tiwa, how will you feel if I give you a ring now?" He added.

"A ring?"

Before Tiwa could digest what was happening, Banky had already gone on one knee with a pair of rings in his hand.

On seeing this, the joy of Tiwa knew no bounds. So he likes her too but why didn't she notice. Maybe because the thought of Tacha clouded her mind. Tiwa reasoned.

Banky took out one of the pair of rings and said: "Even if you refuse to answer my question, your expression has already given me the answer - Excitement; You'll feel excited if I give you a ring. He analysed.

"Is it that obvious?" Tiwa asked.

"More than obvious" Banky teased as he slipped the ring down her finger.

"Help with mine" He handed her the other pair.
Tiwa gently helped him put it on. Both smiled at this and hugged.

"I've always loved you Tiwa" Banky confessed after releasing Tiwa from his embrace.

"Me too" Confirmed Tiwa.

"But why do you always act like you don't like me". Banky said.

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