Turnabout Samurai Part 4

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October 18
Wright & Co. Law Offices. 

One hour after the crazy first part of the trial of Will Powers, Phoenix leaned back in his chair as he sighed exhausted. 

Phoenix: Whew, what a day. 

Ryan: You can say that again. That was such a crazy morning.

Maya: This is no time for relaxing, Nick! Fake Nick! 

She yelled as she entered the office as she saw the two males as she sat down on the other couch. 

Maya: Say, you two think WP’s got a chance? 

Phoenix: I guess that really depends on the people we found out about in today’s trial. 

Maya: The director and producer…? 

Ryan: Yeah, them. 

Maya: Well, what are we doing here then?! Let’s get to the studios! 

She shouted as Phoenix decided to stop at the Detention Center to check up Powers, as the large man was happy to see them. 

October 18
Detention Center

Will: Oh, Mr. Wright! Thank you for earlier. 

Phoenix: Not at all. We got lucky, to tell the truth. 

Maya: You can say that again! 

Phoenix: Let’s not. 

Ryan: I agree with Phoenix. 

Maya: So, WP! Do you have any leads that might get us going in the right direction? 

Will: Hmm… S-sorry, but no. 

Maya: Be sure to tell us anything that comes to mind, no matter how small. 

Phoenix: We can’t rely on getting lucky again tomorrow. 

Will: Y-yes… *sniff* 

The man said as he tried not to cry as Phoenix decided to quickly ask him questions that wasn’t related to the case. 

Phoenix: Do, er, “fanboys” sneak into the studios often? 

Will: No, not that I know of. That security lady’s pretty strict with them. 

Maya: But in today’s testimony, they were often hanging around? 

Will: The kids really, really love the Steel Samurai. They sneak past when she’s not looking, I guess. 

He said scratching his head remembering the many kids that snuck past Oldbag as Pheonix asked him about the producer being at the run-through the day of the murder. 

Phoenix: Was the director present at the morning run-through? 

Will: Y-yes, yes he was. He was directing how the Steel Samurai and the Evil Magistrate should move. 

Maya: Why didn’t you tell us that before!? 

Will: W-well, just, the studio asked us to keep quiet… 

Maya: That has nothing to do with this! I hate to repeat myself, but Nick and Fake Nick here are newbie lawyers! Fresh off the bar! When they lose, they’re going to lose big! 

Will: I.. I see. *sniff* 

Phoenix: ‘Whose side is she on!?’ 

Maya: You aren’t hiding anything else from us, are you!? 

Will: N-no, I sure hope not. 

He said while sweating in fear as Maya puffed her cheeks in anger as Phoenix lead her out of the Detention Center before she argued anymore. They head over to Global Studios to find any new clues for Tomorrow’s trial. 

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