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06x08- 06x09

Parker walked in the room Michonne and Deanna were in. Looking at the leader sadly. She's the one who gave her home, a chance when she felt like giving up. Just like Alec. She cared about her. Deanna had become an important person in her life. She saw Michonne and Deanna talking but didn't pay attention much. She wished she could save her from that bite. Save her from dying. How was Spencer going to react to his only family member dying? She feels sad for him. As much as an idiot he has. He didn't deserve to suffer. Just like everyone else in the new world.

Parker wishes she had her husband and her son with her. She missed them so much. She has moved on and fell for Alec and he died. She's barely starting to move on. Not fully yet but it's a start. She wishes no one at Alexandria had to fight. To many people already died with the wolves coming inside the walls and slaughtering them. But what can she do when there's evil out the walls? "I got to do what I wanted. Right up till the end." Parker heard Deanna say. Deanna looked over at Parker. "What do you want?" She asked her. But Michonne answered. "I want this place to work." She said. Deanna looked at her smiling weakly. "Yes, but what does that mean for you?" She asked her. "What do you want? For you?" She smiled. "I don't know." Michonne said. Parker slowly walked up to them and sat beside the leader grabbing her hand.

"What I want It's something I can't have." Parker whispered talking about her husband and son. Deanna looked at her. "But you have something again." She said and Parker knew immediately what she was talking about. "You have a third chance to have it all." She said. "Don't let it go. I'm pretty sure Alec would want you to be happy." Deanna told Parker. Parker's eyes watered at the mention of his name. "When this is all over." She gulp weakly. " when this is all over. Go be happy and don't hold back." Deanna squeezed her hand making Parker nod her head. "I promise." She whispered to her softly as tears ran down her face.

Parker wiped her tears shooting up her Deanna's side as she heard stuff breaking from downstairs. She saw Rick and jessie run down the stairs making her run as well. "Carl!" Rick yelled trying to open the door but it was locked. They all were yelling the boys names trying to get the door open. "Carl, open the door!" Parker yelled trying to slam herself worried for the boy. "Ron, open the door right now!" Jessie was yelling slamming her hand against it. Calling out for her son. "Back up." Rick yelled at them getting his axe out his belt and started slamming it against the door nod. Rick opened the door and Parker pulled Carl inside slamming the door at the walkers that got inside. They all got Jessie's couch and put it towards the door.

"We need more, and we need to be quiet." Rick looked at them as they struggled with the couch. "I'll see what i can find." Michonne told Rick leaving to fine something to help. "I got it." Jessie said taking Gabriel's place. "Hey, hey, what happened in there?" Rick asked his son trying to hold back the couch so the walkers wouldn't get in. "We were looking for tools and knocked over a shelf." Carl told his father. "I heard yelling." Parker looked into Carl's eyes. "Yeah, Ron saw them break through the gates. We have to move." Parker didn't believe him but right now wasn't the moment to ask anymore questions. "Carl, there's nightstands in my mom's room." Ron told the boy. Parker looked at them knowing that there was tension between them and not the good kind. She could see it all over Ron's face and that was really bad.

Someone could end up dead. Jessie put a hand on her son's shoulder. "We can brace the couch with them." She told him. "What?" Ron backed away from her. "Hey, it sounded like you were fighting." Jessie told her son. Ron raised his voice at his mother. "Yeah, but we were fighting them." He said walking away. Parker and Carl made eye contact but he looked away. Pushing away from the couch. "Carl." Rick called. Parker could see that not even Rick believed that story. "It's okay." Carl reassured him going to where Ron went. Parker and Rick made eye contact knowing they didn't believe the story they told. They didn't believe a single word.

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