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Parker stood in front of the mirror in the room she shared with Rick looking down at her stomach. It's been probably been 2 months since Parker found out she's pregnant. And she still hasn't told Rick. But she had to tell him now before the war actually started. As much as she wanted to be apart of the war. Her unborn child came first now. Along with Carl and Judith of course. Parker just didn't know how to tell him. Parker turned to the side and looked at her flat stomach. She can see a very small bump on it. It was still very small. Parker sighed running her fingers through her hair and jumped as the door to her room opened. She looked up and saw it was Rick the father of her child she was cooking up in her oven.

"Hey." He greeted her as he walked inside the room. He started taking off his boots. "Tara told me something." Rick said as he took off his sweaty shirt. "Oceanside has guns." He told her making Parker's eyes widen. She turned to look at him. "Are we going?" Parker asked Rick. Sitting down next to the shirtless man. "Yeah, but she said they're not nice people." He told her and explained to Parker what Tara had told him about the people at Oceanside.

After Rick finished telling her about Oceanside he got up and started walking towards their bathroom. "Rick." Parker called out to him. He stopped and turned to her. "Yeah." He said looking at the woman.

"I, uh, I'm pregnant." She came out with it finally. She watched as Rick looked at her quiet for a second. His intense blue eyes looking into her hazel eyes. She felt relief as he started smiling at her. "You're —— you're pregnant?" He asked her and she nodded her head yes. Ricks eyes looked down to her stomach.

"I don't know how far along I am, but I'm guessing it's almost 2 months. Because I've been throwing up since we came back from our 2 week scavenge." She told him. Rick furrowed his eyebrows. "How long have you known?" Rick asked Parker and she looked down. "Parker." He called out to her. Parker sighed. "Almost 2 months." She whispered making Rick scoff shaking his head. "You knew this whole time and didn't say anything?" He asked her in disbelief.

"I didn't know how to tell you. I mean a war is about to start and I know for a fact that, now that you know I'm pregnant I can't participate in it." She told him. "You're damn right." He told her. "That shouldn't even be a discussion." He told her shaking his head. "But I'm doing it." She told him. "Fuck no." He growled at her. "You don't tell me what to do." She started raising her voice. "I'm not letting you put my baby's life at risk Parker!" Rick yelled at her.

Parker walked up to Rick. "It's not your baby, it's ours" she said before grabbing her jacket and walked out of the room with Rick yelling out her name. When Parker walked out she saw Carl standing there with wide eyes. "You're pregnant?" He asked her. Parker sighed and nodded her head tears coming to her eyes. "And you're not happy? Why?" He asked her. "I am happy Carl, but your dad and me just had a fight and my emotions are all over the place because of the hormones." She told him as she wiped her tears remembering the last time she was pregnant. That was years ago. And today's world is not like the old one. Now her baby was going to be born in a world full of monsters and so much evil.

Parker and Carl walked down the stairs grabbing her backpack and started packing a few things for the road. "Where are you going?" Carl asked as he saw Parker pack food. "I'm going to the hilltop to get an ultrasound." She told him. "What about my dad." He asked Parker. "Well, after he's out the shower tell him where I went." She shrugged grabbing an apple and took a bit out of it before turning to the boy.

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