Chapter 2

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warning: slight language, mentions of forced arranged marriage, blood, false imprisonment, bad nightmares


Three days after their mission, Gabriel and Page soon made it back to Rome and entered the Cathedral after they passed the great gates, across the Piazza San Pietro, the tremendous open space in front of St. Peter's Basilica. Page was surrounded by history since Gabriel took her in under his wings, by the past. During the journey back, the wounds that were inflicted on her during the battle with Hyde had healed almost as quickly as they had appeared. Gabriel nor Page herself had no idea how it happened, but they didn't pay any mind to that. It had happened since she was first taken in. No one else had answers for how it's been doing it, either.

The bells chimed as they halted their horses at the front stairs of the Cathedral. Gabriel made sure to let Page dismount from her own steed but still stood by if she ever did need help getting down. He had been letting her know that if she ever did need help, he'd be there. Despite knowing that, Page has been stubborn in taking care of herself. It's something he respects and admires her. Her resilience to watch out for herself.

They walked side-by-side as they entered the church. The light inside the building came from the clerestories, the upper portion of the outer walls that held the stained-glass windows, warm and colorful, meant to give worshippers a sense of wonder and creation and of peace. But Page could tell Gabriel felt neither.

With Gabriel stepping inside the ornate confessional, Page waited outside on the floor in a criss-cross position. She did not need to meet the strict glare from Cardinal Jinette that he had heard what had happened back in Paris.

"Bless me, Father, for we have—"

"Sinned. Yes, I know. You're very good at that," Jinette cut Gabriel off and opened the partition door in front of him. Page could see the disapproving Cardinal behind the wooden mesh. "You shattered the Rose Window."

"Not to split hairs here, but it was Mr. Hyde who did the shattering," Gabriel countered.

"It's true. I'm vouching for him here," Page added. Gabriel only looked at her sternly.

"13th century, over 600 years old. I wish you both a week in hell for that," the Cardinal ranted.

"It would be a nice reprieve," Gabriel defiantly said. Page nodded in agreement.

"Don't get me wrong. Your results are unquestionable, but your methods attract far too much attention. Wanted posters? We are not pleased," Jinette continued, now exasperated.

"You think Page and I like being the most wanted people in Europe? Why don't you and the Order do something about it?" Gabriel could feel his own frustration rising.

The Cardinal opened the wooden mesh so he could speak directly to him. "Because we do not exist."

"Well, then neither do we." The younger girl could hear the defiance in Gabriel's voice. Knowing him, he rarely won an argument with Jinette. Though it was a small point, it felt like a great victory to him.

Gabriel had already opened the door and taken her by the hand, ready to leave, when Jinette pressed the button to prevent them from leaving. The hunter had managed to pull Page beside him when the bolts on his door slid into place.

"When we found you crawling up the church steps half-dead and when you first came across Page, it was clear to all of us that you two had been sent to do God's work," His Eminence continued, his voice now tight and deadly serious, as he made a religious cross-motion.

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