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Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

This is dedicated to the 500 first subscribers on my YouTube channel, I have been writing for over two decades and this is the first time I'm sharing a complete original story. (Please don't ask where the fan fiction I was writing two decades ago is)

Also to my friend S. Its been a really tough time for us both lately, eh? We can make it through, we got this.

Also to my friend R who had to listen to me cry almost every night about my progress. Thanks for listening, and even reminding me to get to work. You helped me make it in time.

A big thank you to @kaygoldio (twitter), who is the one who made the amazing cover art. I set it as my phone BG and looked at it every day for inspiration. I can only hope my writing is a fraction as good as your art.

This is also dedicated to everyone who sent me coffee. You don't know how much writing I've done, not just on this but on other projects, that took place sitting in a cafe with a coffee you sent me. It makes me feel like a stereotypical author. Sometimes we gotta just act like the things we want to be to help us be those things for real.

And finally, to my family. I love you all but please don't tell me what you think in person it's very embarrassing idk just text me so I can face it when I'm ready.

This is my biggest project to release ever. Even if it's not very good, I hope someone finds it enjoyable. Thanks again for your time!

JM/December 2023

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