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Miami Florida.
Rowan Hernandez. 19.


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"Ok so, rico, you said you had somebody to come fix the windows right?" Rowan asked. "Yeah" he said. "Alright, ion know who it is but somebodys mad" rowan said laughing. "And they obviously know where we at" "and their obviously looking for you" Jose smartly replied. "Please shut the fuck up." He said. "Like yeah jose, we honestly don't need you ion even know why your here" mico said agreeing with rowan. "You know what, mico you shut the fuck up. Always suckin rowans dick. Like damn get his dick outcha mouth." Jose said now aggravated.

Rowan is now so frustrated he really wants to take his ankle monitor off and go kill dem niggas his self. "Y'all know what fuck this im not finna deal with y'all, y'all Figure the shit out." Rowan said grabbing the bottle of tequila and going upstairs. "Nyla?" He softly said walking into her room as he finds her peacefully sleeping, he climbs into her bed putting his hand on her thigh as he takes another sip of the tequila then eventually falls asleep.



Rowan wakes up sick and still frustrated, as he get out of bed and uses the bathroom he goes back in the room and nyla is still sleeping. "Damn she must've been really tired" he said to his self. He goes downstairs just thinking about what happened earlier today, he knew he needed to do something about it for nylas safety and for his. "Ay, where you at" he said on the phone with mico. "Im at the gas station, but did you see how the windows were fixed?" "Ye, ye, who you wit?" "Damn federal ass, im wit gang, why? Wsp?" He said.

"Ight, we need to sum bout this quick, fast ina hurry." Rowan said. "Cause ion know if they might come back or naw." He said. "Igh then you gon let us do it tho, right?" Rowan paused for a minute because without him they would fuck up the whole plan but he notices that he's on house arrest so he has no choice but to trust them. "Ok, fine, but please don't fuck this up, or at least don't get shot." "Because if you do it's your ass." "Why my ass?" "Because you the one that be fuckin shit up hoe" "I promise i won't group leader."

"Yo, shut up" rowan playfully said laughing. "Nah but fr we got this" he said. Rowan hears something creek in the backyard so he grabs his gun and heads to the back door "rowan?" He heard mico say in the distance cause he left his phone in the kitchen. With no hesitation he opens the back door really fast and didn't see him. Little did he know the guy was hiding beside the house and he came out real quick and stabbed rowan 2 times in the stomach. But rowan had good aim and quick reflexes so he shot the guy 3 times in the head before he could run off.

"PUSSY" rowan said as he shot him again while he was laying on the ground lifeless. "Shit!" He said at the fact he just got stabbed. While trying to put pressure down on his stabbed wound trying to stop him from bleeding out he limps his way to his phone and tells mico to be at the house quickly. "Mi- mico" "get here quickly!" Rowan said running out of air. OH SHIT GANG WE ON THE WAY" Mico said hanging up the call. "FUCKKKK" rowan yelled falling to the floor. Everything just got blurry he felt he was finna die.

He heard a voice and it sounded like nyla. "Rowan?" She said. She saw him laying on the floor and she reacted quickly to save his life. "¡Oh, mierda!" She said as she ran to him. "Quédate conmigo Rowan, No te preocupes, lo lograrás." She grabbed a towel and made him sit up so she could wrap it around his stomach to keep pressure on the wound. "Do you want me to put sum alcohol on it before I wrap the towel around" she said. "Fuck no!" He said still in pain. She takes his shirt off and wrapped the towel around him and helped him to the couch. "Here, just sit here." She says.

She sees the a gun laying down on the floor and it has blood on it. "Why the fuck is there a gun laying on the floor and why is my back door open?" She questioned. "Don't worry about i- it" he said grunting in pain. The front door opens, mico, rico, and jaylon came running in. "Oh shit wtf" rico says seeing blood on the ground. Mico goes to the back door and sees the body laying on the ground." WTF FO" mico says. "What?" Nyla said trying to see what mico was talking about and rico pulled her back so she couldn't see it.

"THATS YOU FOOL?" he said to rowan. He just smiled. "Ay that's wsp!" Mico said hittin him in his stomach. "BITCH" rowan yelled. "Ay, no hagas eso, sabes que está herido." Nyla said to mico, pushing him. "Oh, im so sorry." He said being funny.
"Por favor, que no te den una bofetada." She said. "My fault" he said putting his hands up. "Ay, what the fuck" rico said looking at the body, he smiled and shaked his head. Jaylon looked at it and had the same reaction as everyone else. "But im not gon lie we need ta get that outta here fast" jaylon said.

"Yea....we do" mico says. "Can i see what yall are talking about?" Nyla says still tryna see. "go ahead and see" mico said smiling. She walks towards the back door and rowan snaps his fingers. "uh, Mami, can you bring me upstairs" rowan said trying to distracting her from going to the back door. She brings him upstairs and sits him on her bed. "You know im gonna have to put alcohol on it to keep it from infecting" she says. "Then im gonna have to stitch it back up" "yea, yea, can you get me the Casamigos that's under your bed" he says. "How- never mind, you need to drink some water." she said grabbing a bottle of water from her mini fridge.

"Here" she said handing it to him. He just looks at her. "Drink it." She demanded. "Ight" he said. He drunk sum. Of it then she told him to to lay down well actually she pushed him down and he got turned on. "You ready for me to put sum alcohol on it." "No" "it probably stopped bleeding by now" she says ignoring what he just said. "You just gon ignore what i just said." "Yes." She said. She takes the towel off. "Oh God..." she says. "What? What's wrong?" "Nothing it just looks so disgusting." She says. He smacks his teeth.

She puts gloves on and grabs the alcohol. "Ima just pour a lil bit on both of them, ok?" "Ight please- AHH- FUCK" she poured it on both of them. "ASSHOLE" he yelled. She just laughed. "Ima pour a lil bit again, just a tiny bit" she said. "No, fuck this." He said tryna get up. "Sit yo ass back down." She said pushing him back down. "Oh, damn, ight." "Ima just pour lil bit, just chill." She says. She poured just a lil bit more and it still burned. "See, there all done."

But before she stitches it back up she puts sum clotting gaze inside the wound to stop it from bleeding.

She pulls out a needle with liquid in it. "Wtf why you got a needle?" He said. "To ease the pain." "Ima stitch it back up."

She grabs a chair and puts the needle where the wounds are. "Please don't look while im stitchin it back up." "Why?" "Cause I feel like im being pressured to do it correctly and i feel nervous and im probably gonna fuck it up and I feel like I'm being watched and ion like it." She said. "Ight I won't."

Then she cleans the wound up and starts to stitch it up, mico just burst it into her room and it startled her. "Omg, ¿Por qué lo hicisteis? Podría haberla cagado." "Wtf is yall doin?" Mico asked. "Im sewing his wound back up." "Oh." He said. She just rolled her eyes. "We uh, we got rid of it" "ight" Rowan said. He left out of her room without out closing the door.



A few minutes later she's done stitching up the wound. "Alright your all done" she said getting up from the chair. "Can i get the casamigos now?" He asked. "No. You need to drink water." "Specially after you got stabbed and you felt like you were gonna die, feeling dizzy, Please drink water" "De mi, por favor, no quiero que te mueras on mi" she said. "Alright i will." He said holding her hands "Prometes?" She said. "Lo prometo" he kissed her hand.


1570 words.

FUN FACT: Nyla is actually trying to become a nurse/doctor.

THIS CHAPTER - was interesting ion really know what to say to this on. I pulled this one out of my ass. ( im running out of ideas help please )

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