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Luh calm chapter.
Miami Florida.
9:04 pm.
Rowan Hernandez. 19.

THE PREVIOUS DAY- "i wanna take you somewhere amor" he whispered onto her neck

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THE PREVIOUS DAY- "i wanna take you somewhere amor" he whispered onto her neck. "Where? It's 9" she looked at him. "I wanna take you to like a beautiful park, somewhere where it's just me and you, where we can talk." He smiled, moving his hand up the back of her shirt, pulling on her bra strap. He pulled it so far back then let it go, having the strap hit her back.

"OWW, What the fuck!" She sat up. He looked up at her as bit his lip. "Is that a kink?" She asked leaning closer to his face. "Why you ask that?" He looked in her eyes. "Cause you just bit your lip" she said. "You love hearing me in pain??" She asked smiling. "Mhm.." he looked at her lips. The tension was intense.

Fuck, im getting hard.

"Stop looking at me like that, im getting hard" he said smiling, gripping on her waist.

"God, you just make me so hard I can't control myself" he grunted.

"I hate it but i love it" he kissed her neck.

"Fuck, i get hard every time im around you" he whispered on to her neck.

"Does it make you feel better knowing that i get turned on, even wet every single time im around you" she whispered in his ear.

He paused.

"Holy shit, ok, yeah get off me" he moved her off of him while she giggled. He walked in the bathroom closing the door behind him.

"Fuck im so hard right now." He looked down in his boxers seeing that he was indeed sitting in pre cum.

"Are you ok?" She laughed knocking on the door.

He smiled and shook his head. "Now I have to take a cold shower" he said to himself.


20 minutes later he took a his shower then walked back with the towel wrapped around his waist. "So, do you still wanna take me to that 'beautiful place' you were talking about?" She asked. "Yeah, actually" he responded. "Get ready" he said grabbing his clothes.


9:32 pm.

Time passes and Nyla is finally ready, she was talking her time trying to find what to wear. "It shouldn't have took you that long to find something to wear" rowan smiled putting his phone down. "I just wanted to make sure I picked something cute" she stood in front of him, touching his face. "You look beautiful" he pulled her closer. "All were doing is going to the park, their was no need for this" he smiled.

"Come on let's go" he picked her up. "AH!, wait, wait, i need my stuff" she said. "Forget your stuff" he walked out her room. "Stoppp!" she whined loudly. "Alright, go get your stuff" he put her down. She ran back in her room and got her stuff. "Pick me up again" she said with her arms out. "No" he smiled. "Pleaseeee" she dragged. He just looked at her. "Pleaseee, bubba" she begged. "Aww, ok, your just so cute" he picked her back up then walked downstairs.

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