Chapter 7

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Everyone found out that they're dating and it became a hot topic

"I had a feeling something was going on between you two "Tommy said

Camila glared at Jedi "I can't believe you told everyone"

Jedi seems not to care "I did nothing wrong,are you upset with me"

She hugged and kissed him on the forehead "I'm not upset with you"

He felt relieved "thank goodness"

"Ella and Tommy, I want you to help me with something " she gave them a bagpack

"What's in this? " Ella opened the bag "invitation cards?"

"Yes give them out but choose wisely I don't want trouble makers to be there "

"Okay "

Since their relationship was now open most of the girls who were crushing on Jedi got heartbroken. Before going home Camila called her mom

"Has something happened"

"I need a new skirt this one is short"

"Ok dear I'll come with a new one"


When they knocked off Jedi decided to walk with Camila so that they can talk more

"Since everyone knows we can hold hands in public" she grabbed his hand

"Finally, I really wanted to do this with you"

"Where's your friend Vincent, we mostly find him at that store buying cigarettes"

"I don't know;he told me that he's now dating and is busy with his girlfriend"

"That's nice; I wonder how you'd look with black hair"

"Let me show it to you" he took out his phone and showed it to her

"You still look great" she kissed him on the cheek

"You'll make me blush"

They continued walking slowly and met Jedi's former classmates

"Oh wow" they started whistling

"Is this your girl, she's hot"

"Step back" he pushed the guy away

"Don't touch me smith" he pushed Jedi away
One of the guy walked closer to Camila and released the smoke of cigarettes on her face

"She's hot, I feel like stealing you" he pulled her closer and she kicked him between the legs

"Don't touch me,you son of bitch!"

"Your girlfriend is something else!"
Jedi stood Infront of Camila and turned around and she whispered in his ears

"We can't fight all of them, they're a lot"

"You're right babe"

"Let's run"

"On the count of three...1.2.3...

They ran as fast as they could


"Yoh I can't stand " he cried" she kicked my...."

The following day Camila went to jedi's place to hang out they never had school because the parents were having a meeting with the teachers,it was a really beautiful villa

"Welcome"she was welcomed by Jojo who gave her a warm hug

"Thank you"

"Before I hand you over to my brother, let's hang out"

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