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bella's pov

I didnt even get the time to reply him as he pinned me on the bed. I tried to push him by making a force on his chest by both of my hands, he was wearing a black satin shirt and the upper two buttons were open leading a view of his wide and shaped chest like a body builder.

Bella - " me sir ahhhhh please  jusss.. Stop it". - he was too strong for me i felt like someone placed a rag of 90 kgs on me.

Michael - "don't push me baby, it will go in vein" - i opened the drawer simultaneously grabbing  her hands and pulled a handcuff set from it. I cuffed her hands each side on the bedpost.

Bella - "why are you caging me .... Aahh what are you doing leave me for god sake... " - i started crying badly and was flinching whenever he tried to touch me.

Michael - "now look at yourself, you look so beautiful tied up , in a helpless state, I CAN DO ANYTHING I WANT, ANYWHERE I WANT WITH YOU"

He tore her skirt in shreds from the middle, and didn't even gave her the time  to make his previous words sink in her mind.

He started kissing her everywhere, on her thighs to stomach till her neck and suddenly stopped on her lips.

Michael - "look at me "... - she shut her eyes close with embarrassment. "I SAID LOOK AT ME".

she looked with teared eyes and discovered that both of their noses were touching each other and then suddenly HE BITE HER LIP FURIOUSLY.

bella - "ahhhhh .mmmmmm ....
What are you doing it hurts, stop it please why are you hurting me like this ?". She continuously cried and cried
She tasted her blood in her mouth and the metallic taste of it, Michael licked and sucked the whole blood from her lips.

Michael - " Well i am not a vampire but i would like to suck even a single drop of blood left inside your body". "You are making me crazy Bella, i want to eat and devour your every body part slowly, i 've never got this much powerful urge to fuck someone". "I don't want to hurt you Bella but i am unable to stop this sensation".

Bella - "i want to go home now, my family would be calling me".


     Hello babies❣️
✨Stay tuned with this story
Cos bella will face the wrath of this monster soon. God Bless Her🥺

Dont forget to lik and comment, i lovvv u soo much😉❤

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