CHAPTER 2 PAGE 1: The intro

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"Hail to the Great King!" shouted the soldiers and the surrounding citizens. Justice Westley, the esteemed ruler, had recently emerged victorious in his battle against Kurush, the dictator of Trelovana. His empire now stretched from Vasaland in the west to Deotha in the east, and from Rosalind in the north to Trelovana in the south. However, his true adversary, the King of Magmodea, Death Knight, still posed a formidable threat. How did Justice Westley ascend to the throne of Lordea amidst these circumstances?

Long before the grand coronation ceremony of Justice Westley, before he had even encountered the Rose Knight or taken his first breath, Lordea was a smaller yet prosperous kingdom. It was known for its eco- friendly practices, abundant resources, and the happiness of its people. "Hail to King John Thames!" The handsome and charismatic monarch approached the palace and took his seat upon the throne. His eyes sparkled with determination as he displayed his courage to all the members of the royal court. Suddenly, the minister and the commander rushed to the king, gasping for breath. "Great Almighty! Majesty! That slave... That slave has single-handedly withstood a massive army. It consisted of jungle dacoits, sea pirates, and various thieves, along with a small contingent from our greatest enemy, Magmodea! My Lord, please, we implore you to take action."

Fury flashed across King John's face. "What do you mean? That slave, whom I once offered shelter, now dares to cast his eyes upon my throne? Make sure the queen remains unaware of this... Walden, you are my most trusted and loyal confidant, and tomorrow morning shall mark the end for him!"

Saying this, his brother Waiden James looked back and noticed Queen Amena, whose hand was resting on her stomach. "What do you think, John? You plan to engage in a massive war against a cruel and savage enemy without considering me?" she asked, her voice filled with concern. John interrupted her, saying, "Amena, please understand the situation. It's not possible to explain everything to you at this moment. As much as you know, kindly don't try to stop me!" His words carried a mix of harshness and kindness.

WAR OF DEAD CHAPTER 2: AN UNEXPECTED WILLWhere stories live. Discover now