20 // Puttana

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"Um, this doesn't seem good, judging by your expression," I observed cautiously. "Oh, and does your dad even know that you kidnapped me?" I couldn't help but ask, feeling a bit uneasy about the whole situation.

"No, he doesn't." Ares replied with a serious tone. "But if he figures out why you're here, you'll be in serious danger." His words carried a touch of worry, making it clear that the situation could spiral if his dad found out about my unexpected company.

"Why would I be in danger?" I questioned, puzzled by the potential consequences. However, a moment of realization struck, and fear seeped in. "Wait... what did I see yesterday? What the fuck actually happened?" I asked Ares, my voice betraying a sense of apprehension.

"Listen, Estelle," Ares began, his voice firm. "It's better if you don't remember. But if you do recall anything, come directly to me and don't do anything reckless. I'll take care of everything." His words carried a sense of urgency and a protective undertone.

I nodded, looking totally puzzled. Trying to remember just gave me a mega headache, like a brain freeze but worse, and still, I couldn't recall a thing. It was like hitting a brick wall inside my head—blank and frustrating. It felt like I might've caught a glimpse of something very precarious, something I definitely shouldn't have seen. Yet, despite the mess in my head, I oddly found myself trusting Ares. It was like an instinct, a gut feeling saying, "Hey, he's the one to trust in this mess," and surprisingly, I went with it.

"Should I like, hide so your dad doesn't find me?" I asked, a bit unsure. "What's the game plan here?" I looked at Ares, trying to figure out what I should do next, feeling a tad lost in this situation.

"No need to hide. I'm pretty sure he already knows you're here," Ares replied calmly.

Finding it odd that his father would already be aware, I decided not to push Ares for more details. Sometimes, some things were better left unasked, especially in such tense situations. Instead, I chose to trust Ares' judgment and let the matter rest for the time being. I couldn't help but think, maybe his dad's the type to keep tabs on him. Sounds pretty intense, right? I mean, who does that? It's kinda wild and crazy to imagine someone tracking their kid's every move like that.

"So, what am I supposed to say when he walks in here and sees me in your clothes?" I asked, trying to figure out the next move.

"I'll do the talking, I just need you to shut your little mouth." Ares says firmly. He came closer, his touch surprisingly gentle as he held my face. "Can you do that for me, Tesoro? Be a good girl and keep quiet," he asked, sounding a bit urgent, like he really needed me to cooperate in this mess.

A rush of nerves surged through me, causing my stomach to twist with butterflies. I nodded in agreement to Ares' request, trying to steady my nerves. But before anything else could happen, the doorbell rang, interrupting the charged moment and sending a jolt of dread through the air.

Curiosity tingled within me as I pondered the kind of man Ares' father might be. I hadn't been in contact with him before, only hearing stories that painted him as a hard man who didn't shy away from playing dirty. The descriptions I'd heard left me with a mixture of apprehension and intrigue, I was unsure of what to expect.

Luciano Romani entered with a stoic expression, a hefty stick of tobacco lodged between his lips. His face held a permanent frown, accentuated by a small scar just above his right eyebrow. His demeanor exuded a formidable aura, instantly commanding attention as he surveyed the room with a piercing gaze.

Luciano's eyes met mine, and his face twisted with disgust, like he'd seen something awful. Then, he turned to Ares and gruffly asked, "Since when did you start bringing puttana to your house?" His voice sounded serious, laying down that disapproval vibe big time. (Slut)

"My sex life is none of your business father" Ares counters.

I could barely understand Italian, but I immediately knew that he called me a slut. With a sense of defiance, I lifted my head, meeting Luciano's gaze squarely to convey that his opinion didn't faze me. I remained silent, fulfilling my promise to keep my mouth shut, despite the urge to respond to his degrading comment.

Taken aback by my defiant demeanor, Luciano turned to Ares and spoke in Italian, "Dove l'hai pescata questa? È combattiva." (Where did you pick this one up from? She's feisty.)

Though I couldn't understand their conversation, I noticed Ares' frown deepen. He addressed his father in Italian "Perché sei qui?" (Why are you here?)

I observed from the sidelines, my eyes fixated on Luciano's face as it contorted with anger. Ares' words seemed to strike a chord, sending a ripple of tension through the room. Luciano's jaw clenched, his features twisting into a mask of barely contained fury.

"Fai uscire prima quella fottuta troia di qui." (Get that fucking bitch out of here first.)

Luciano's gestures were sharp and filled with frustration as he pointed in my direction, his expression a mix of annoyance and disdain. His anger was palpable, and I could sense the tension escalating in the room.

"Se non vuoi che le spari, farai come dico io." (If you don't want me to put a bullet in her, you'll do as I say.)

A chill ran down my spine, despite not comprehending the words exchanged between Luciano and Ares. The air thickened with tension, a tangible unease settling in. Luciano's demeanor sent a wave of fear through me, an instinctive understanding that his words carried a dire threat, one that seemed directed at my very existence.

Ares turned towards me, a fleeting softness in his eyes for a moment. "Leave us," he said gently, his tone unexpectedly kind. "Stay there until I come to find you."

With one last look aimed at the both of them, I turned around and walked away. I wandered through the spacious house, eventually stopping at a door left slightly open. With a flutter of curiosity, I pushed it wider and stepped into a bedroom adorned in shades of grey and white. The elegance of the décor captivated me, a contrast to the tension outside, and for a moment, I forgot about the brewing conflict in the house.

My head throbbed incessantly, fatigue weighing me down as I made my way to the bed, sinking onto it with a sigh. Desperate for relief, I reached to open the bedside drawer, half-hoping for painkillers. Instead, my fingers brushed against something cold and metallic.

My heart skipped a beat as I retrieved the object from the drawer, my fingers curling around the cold metal. Dread washed over me as I realized it was a gun. Panic surged, my heart racing as I grappled with the shock of finding a fucking gun in Ares's house.

Fucking hell.

My mind jolted with a sudden rush of memories from last night. I could vividly recall trailing after Ares, stumbling upon a scene that belonged in a nightmare. A battered man on his knees, Ares' subtle cue, and the deafening gunshot that shattered the silence. The man slumped lifelessly, the room filled with an eerie stillness as Ares and the armed men looked on, just watching as he bleed out. The shock and horror of that moment surged back, leaving me shaken to the core.

I swallowed hard in the glaring realization of why Ares had kidnapped me. I was in deep shit, he was definitely going to kill me too.

Shit, I need to get out of here fast.

"I see you've finally remembered," Ares' voice cut through the room, startling me as I turned to see him standing there. His words sent a chill down my spine, realizing he had caught me with the gun in hand, my memory of the unsettling events from last night laid bare before him.

When did he get here?

With sheer panic taking over, I found myself gripping the gun tighter, pointing it straight at Ares. It was like a movie scene gone totally wrong, and I was the terrified extra who accidentally became the lead in a thriller.


Who else hates Luciano? Meee!!

Okay y'all, stay tuned for the next chapter.

Spicy scenes coming soon.

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