A/N : Disclaimer // Aesthetics

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Hello and welcome to my story, I'm so happy you thought to give this book a chance. I'm so excited for our journey together, let's have fun.


This story contains violence, mature language, sexual explicit content and triggering scenes. There will be warnings beforehand, so feel free to skip if you feel uncomfortable.

This story is purely a figment of my imagination and the product of late night delusions. My characters do not relate to anyone in the land of the living aka earth.

I live for smut, so yes, there will be smut.

Please do not steal my work. However you are free to draw inspirations from it.




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I do not own these images, I got them off Pinterest because I'm a lazy bitch who doesn't know how to do shit like these

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I do not own these images, I got them off Pinterest because I'm a lazy bitch who doesn't know how to do shit like these.

Alright then, please enjoy and vote.🫶

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