Chapter One: A Tour With Castle

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Dean sat at the back of the classroom, feet spread out underneath the desk as he slouched in his seat with his arms folded. It appeared to be just another normal day at Westover High School; 8:15 and Mr. Hood was still sitting at his desk riffling worriedly through his messy papers trying to find the day's lesson plan. Even Dean's room looked more organized than anything Mr. Hood ever did, which was saying something, because Dean cleaned his room about once every two years.

Suddenly, there was a soft set of knocks to the classroom door and Mr. Hood just about jumped out of his seat in surprise. He pushed the circular glasses up the bridge of his bulbous nose and stared at the door in confusion before rising and shuffling over. Mr. Hood was a short guy with a rotund stomach and about three brown colored hairs on the top of his head. His eyes were about the size of a small planet and extremely deep brown. He was just a funny looking man and Dean often subtly teased him about it. In fact, Dean was in the process of formulating a great one-liner that would have the class howling with laughter when Mr. Hood pulled the door open. Whatever Dean had been about to say flew from his head, because the person behind the door had not been at all what he was expecting. The boy was kind of too perfect to be real with brown sex hair, wide deep blue eyes, and skin a few shades shy of being extremely tan. The boy frowned a little in this strangely adorable way and cocked his head to the side in clear confusion.

"Is this Mr. Hood's psychology class?" the boy inquired in a tone that clearly conveyed his opinion on the man; Mr. Hood looked unfit to teach a class. The boy's voice was also surprisingly deep, startling Dean enough to raise his eyebrows.

"Oh, uh, yes," Mr. Hood said in his shaky, kind of nasally voice. "You must be the new student they told me about. Please, come in." The boy nodded and brushed past the teacher, coming to a stop at the front of the class and surveying the room with a near expressionless gaze.

"Go ahead, introduce yourself to the class," Mr. Hood told him, sitting back down in his swivel chair. The new kid frowned at the teacher as though he were inept and then sighed and looked back to the class.

"My name is Castiel Novak and I just moved here from Haven, Texas for my father's work," he stated and Dean snorted.

"That's an interesting name," he grumbled, smirking. Castiel's eyes flickered to Dean's and he tilted his head to the side again, as though Dean were a test subject he couldn't quite understand. Dean couldn't help but to notice just how blue his eyes really were...They had an intense moment of just staring at each other; Castiel looking like he was trying to understand Dean and Dean looking slightly uncomfortable.

"Well then, Dean," said Mr. Hood and he ripped his gaze away from the new kid to glare at the teacher. "Since you find him so interesting, you can be the one to show him around school today." Now they were both glaring at the teacher.

"Excuse me?" Dean demanded, giving Mr. Hood a chance to rethink what he'd said. Mr. Hood looked up from riffling through his papers to give Dean the harshest look he could manage, what with being so short.

"You heard me, Mr. Winchester. You're to escort him to all his classes today and tomorrow. I'll be letting the office know that's your job too, so they know who to blame if Castiel doesn't make it to his classes." Dean rolled his eyes and tilted his head back in exasperation.

"Great...just peachy...," he grumbled and raised his head to watch Castiel make his way over to the only free desk....directly in front of him. People typically left that seat unoccupied, because Dean liked to have somewhere to put his virtually empty backpack besides the dirty floor. Castiel didn't wait for him to move the bag either, he just picked it up and plopped it onto Dean's desk without meeting his gaze. Dean stared at him for a second; unable to comprehend how someone could be so stupid. It took him a moment of deep breaths and chanting to himself about how Castiel was new, but he finally managed to contain his angry words. Most people at the school knew to treat Dean with more respect than was usually necessary for a human being to give to another, but Castiel didn't know that yet. Dean guessed he would have to teach him that on their tour today.

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