Chapter Four: The Confessions

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Dean woke up the next morning with a slight pain in his side, but otherwise he was the most comfortable he'd been in a while and he couldn't figure out why. Moaning in pleasure, he shifted slightly and wrapped his arms more tightly around his pillow. was too hard to be his pillow. Frowning in confusion, he raised his head groggily and met the wide blue eyes of Castiel Novak. Cas looked terrified, but Dean just chuckled and cuddled back into Cas.

"Well, good morning, beautiful," he mumbled, chucking again. "How did we end up like this?"

"I'm not sure exactly," Castiel muttered, still sounding shaken. "You're not mad though?" Dean snorted and snuggled into him, pulling the blankets up over his shoulders.

"Why on earth would I be mad? You're the best pillow my head's ever had the pleasure of resting on," Dean amended, yawning slightly and preparing to head back to sleep.

"What time is it anyways?"

"11:31 am," Cas answered and Dean groaned, puling the blankets up over his head.

"Why am I up so damn early?"

"Early?" Cas demanded, laughing incredulously. "Dean, it's almost the afternoon!"

"I usually sleep until like...two in the afternoon," he grumbled, burying his face into Cas' chest.

"Well, can go back to sleep if you like."

"How long have you been awake?"

"Since nine," he admitted, blushing lightly.

"Why didn't you wake me up, man? You must have been so bored!" Cas shook his head and couldn't refrain from combing through Dean's hair gently with his fingers. Dean let out a tiny noise of satisfaction despite himself and curled his fingers into Cas' shirt.

"I wasn't bored, I was lost in thought when you started waking up. It's really alright," Cas assured him and slid his fingers through Dean's short, dirty blonde hair again. It was almost dark enough to be considered brown, but not quite.

"Mmm, well, I guess I can get up early for today," Dean muttered and moved to sit up, but a sharp pain made him gasp and lower himself back down.

"What is it? Are you alright?" Cas asked, voice filled with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine. My ribs are just bothering me," Dean admitted.

"Here, let me go get you some fresh ice. I'll get you breakfast too, if you'd like?" Dean nodded and slowly slid himself over to his pillow.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Thanks, buddy."

"No problem," Cas muttered as he stood and ruffled his hands through his hair, fighting the strange instinct to drop a kiss onto Dean's forehead. Cas shuffled down the stairs and padded into the kitchen, blinking sleepily and rubbing his eyes.

"Please tell me you didn't sleep with my brother." Cas nearly jumped out of his skin, reeling backwards and bumping back into the wall. His eyes flickered around wildly until he found Sam sitting at the bar in the kitchen, staring at him over a bowl of cereal. Cas gasped for breath, clutching at his chest and shaking his head.

"Damn it, Sam! You scared the piss out of me!" he cursed, glowering at him as he marched into the kitchen.

"Well? Did you sleep with my brother or not?" Cas stared at him incredulously.

"No! Of course not! In your...with you...I, Sam, no! God, get your mind out of the gutter!" he snapped and Sam laughed at his flushing face.

"Alright, I believe you. Dean still asleep?" Cas shook his head and pushed the hair off of his forehead.

"No, he's awake and in some pain. I came down to get him some ice and breakfast."

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