Chapter Seven: The Morning After

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"Dean," a soft voice called, breaking through his nonsensical dream and tugging him to the surface of consciousness, much against his will. Dean groaned and rolled over, burying his face in his pillow and wrenching the blankets up to cover his head. His bed seemed abnormally comfortable this morning, making Dean feel like he was laying on a fluffy cloud.

"Dean," the voice said again, pleasant and gentle and slightly amused. "Baby, it's time to get up." The blanket was pulled down so that now only his lower half was covered and sunlight spilled onto his face. He moaned again and rolled away from the voice.

"One more hour," he grumbled, his voice gruff like it always was in the morning. Tender fingers brushed lightly down his spine and someone kissed the back of his head gently.

"Baby, please. They'll start to wonder if we don't go down for breakfast soon," the voice crooned and this time, Dean recognized it as his boyfriend, Castiel. After that, two more things became aware to him. The first, was that he was naked. The second, was that it was because he and Cas had, had sex the night before. Three times. Dean smiled lazily, not quite opening his eyes, as he rolled over and wrapped his arms around Cas' waist, tugging him closer. He buried his face in Cas' hair and inhaled deeply, letting Cas' distinct, angelic scent fill his senses with a sigh.

"Mornin'," he slurred, dropping a sloppy kiss to the top of his head. Cas laughed softly and draped his arms around Dean, unable to resist.

"Good morning," Cas said softly and leaned his head back to brush a kiss along Dean's jaw.

"How'd ya sleep?" Dean asked, eyes drifting closed again as Cas' lips brushed his skin.

"That's the best I've slept in quite a long time," Cas admitted and snuggled into Dean, burying his face in Dean's chest. "How did you sleep?"

"Like a baby," Dean murmured, his voice thick and slurring.

"Hey," Cas said, leaning back to look at him and pinching his ribs lightly. "No going back to sleep. I can smell breakfast and I'm starving." Dean grunted, shifting away from Cas' hand and scowled down at him.

"Then go without me. I need sleep. What time is it anyways?"

"It's almost 9:30 and I refuse to go anywhere without you, so get up," Cas ordered, sitting up. Dean groaned, but shifted into an upright position, his back leaning against the headboard of the bed. He watched with amusement as Cas clambered out of the bed and grabbed a fresh pair of boxers from his suitcase. A pair of snuggly fitting dark denim jeans and a dark blue button down shirt with quarter length sleeves followed soon after the boxers and then he was heading into the bathroom to run a brush through his hair. Dean never understood why Cas even bothered with his hair; it always refused to cooperate and only ended up frustrating Cas. But, Dean found it attractive despite its inability to do anything except remain in a sexy, but tousled heap on Castiel's head.

"It's sex hair; messy, but attractive in every way," Dean had once told him. Cas had stayed the night at his house and was fumbling to get ready the next morning, fussing with his dark locks for longer than Dean saw necessary.

A moment later, Cas reemerged from the bathroom, his hair only slightly less chaotic than before he went in. He looked absolutely tantalizing, though Dean would have preferred him in the bed, without clothes, cuddling up against him. However, Cas was in his usual grumpy state, having not had his coffee yet, and grabbed the blankets, wrenching them down so Dean's entire lower half was exposed to the chilly room. Dean pouted and scrambled for the covers, but Cas continued to pull them back.

"Deeeaaaaannnn...," Cas whined, staring at him with wide, pleading blue eyes. "I'm hungry and I want coffee! Please get up!" Dean grunted, but swung his legs out of bed.

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