Chapter Nine: Epilogue; An Interesting Proposal

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A few months later, Cas and Dean were settling into college life. They were both attending the college just outside of Lawrence, so Dean and Cas were continuing to live at home, though they planned to pull their resources and rent an apartment together sometime soon. Cas was going to school to become a teacher, a lifelong dream of his, and Dean was just going to get his Bachelor's degree, because Bobby had insisted, though he still had a job working at his garage.

Dean knew he was dragging ass with the whole apartment thing, because he wasn't ready to leave Sam just yet. Sam pretend not to realize the fact, though he did, he just didn't want to admit he wasn't ready for Dean to leave either. Cas didn't mind though, he actually found it endearing, and was more than happy to wait for when they were both ready. The fact that he had Dean was enough to keep him good and happy.

Cas was fairly certain it wouldn't take them to be ready though. Sam was in his senior year of high school now and Gabe already had plans of marrying him as soon as they both made it to California. A month or two after Dean and Cas had gotten back together, Jess and Sam had mutually decided that they were better as friends. Gabriel hadn't waited long to snap him up, since they'd kept in contact. They were constantly texting and Skyped each other nearly every night.

Now, a month or so into their first semester of college, Dean had decided it was time. Now, he just had to figure out exactly how to go about this. After Dean told Sam what he was planning, they stayed up late into the night discussing different strategies. If Dean was being honest with himself, he sucked at this kind of stuff and might as well just give up, but he couldn't. He wanted this to be special, perfect. He needed it to be. After everything, that's what he and Cas both needed.

Eventually, Dean settled on his exact plan and once it was intact, his confidence grew. The night of their one year anniversary, Dean led Cas to the car in a blindfold, helping him get in and buckled up.

"No peeking," he warned as he started the car and pulled out.

"Where are we going?" Cas asked excitedly, practically bouncing in his seat with excitement.

"You'll see, just be patient, you child," Dean teased and Cas swatted at him, hitting his mark perfectly.

"Hey! I said no peeking!" Dean protested and Cas laughed.

"I didn't, I've just been in this Impala with you enough times to know where you're going to be." Dean snorted and turned the music up, lacing their fingers together and grinning hugely.

A few minutes later, he pulled to the side of the road and parked, hopping out and hurrying over to Cas' door. He wrenched it open and helped Cas out, guiding him over to the large, checkered picnic blanket.

"Tada!" he said, ripping the blindfold off Cas' head. Cas opened his eyes and they widened, lips parting in awe and a small smile tugging at his lips.

"Oh, Dean...," he breathed, gazing around. The light of the Impala was trained on the picnic blanket which was crowded with all their favorite foods; cheeseburgers, French fries, beer, pecan pie, etc. Dean pats the lump in his back pocket to make sure it's still there and grinned at his boyfriend.

"This is amazing," Cas gushed and lurched forward, kissing him deeply. Dean kissed back, still smiling like an idiot.

"I'm glad ya like it," he said and guided him down to the blanket, nestling him down between his legs and wrapping his arms around him from behind. They ate and chatted happily, laughing and teasing each other. Once they'd finished and talk died down, Dean smiled warmly at Cas.

"Wanna dance?" he asked and Cas grinned back at him.

"Hell yes," he enthused and Dean helped him to his feet before leaping to his own. He walked to the Impala and opened the door of the passenger's side before going to the driver's side as well. He sat inside with legs hanging out and rummaged around, grabbing his Slow Song cassette and popping it. He pressed play and turned the music all the way up, standing and striding over to his boyfriend. He bowed dramatically and offered his hand to a chuckling Cas. Cas bowed back at him and then rested his hand gently in Dean's. Grinning mischievously, Dean gripped his hand and tugged him forward until he stumbled into Dean's arm. Cas laughed and let himself be lifted onto Dean's fit, as per usual, as they began to turn in slow circles, just holding each other.

The first song melted to an end and, after a short pause, The End of All Things by Panic! At The Disco began to play. Taking a deep breath, Dean steeled himself for what he was about to do. It was time.

"Cas...?" he murmured softly.


"Can I ask you something?"

"You just did," Cas teased and Dean pinched him lightly in this side. Cas laughed and nodded. "Yeah, go ahead babe." Exhaling slowly, Dean set Cas back on his own feet and held him by the shoulders while he stepped back. Cas frowned at him, looking a little worried, and then Dean pulled out the tiny black, velvet box. Cas gasped, eyes widening to the size of Pluto as he watched Dean sink to one knee. Dean was blushing furiously and smiling awkwardly, a little out of his element, but determined to make this perfect. He cleared his throat and open the box, revealing a beautiful silver ring.

"Cas, I...I know that we can't really get married here in Kansas, but I also know this isn't where either of us wanna be forever and, well....I guess....I was wondering if you wouldn't mind marrying me very much?" he mumbled, grinning as he quoted a Rocky movie which had become their movie since both Rocky and Castiel were boxers, and good ones. Laughing and with tears spilling from his dreamy blue eyes, Castiel nodded vigorously and tackled Dean into a bear hug. Dean laughed, tears of his own spilling down his cheeks as he crushed Cas to him. Cas pulled back just enough for their lips to meet in a long, passionate kiss. When they finally broke apart, they were both still grinning through their tears.

"I love you, Castiel Novak," Dean whispered softly, nuzzling his nose against Cas'. Cas laughed softly and nuzzled back, eyes gleaming with happiness.

"I love you too, Dean Winchester," he mumbled and they spent the rest of the night cuddling and watching the stars.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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