Interview with Halloween Vault 2023 Winner - @FLPolgar

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Hello there, Horrorphiles!

We are pleased to introduce our interview with FLPolgar, who won First Place in the Short Story Category of Halloween Vault 2023! We encourage everyone to review their winning entry, Beautifully Haunted.

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What are 2-3 facts you can share with us about you for the community to get to know you as an author?

I enjoying reading and writing fantasy with darker twists. I'd never written horror before this contest. And, I'm always looking for new ways to challenge myself and my writing.

What inspired you to participate in Halloween Vault? Which profile prompts interested you the most?

I'd been looking forward to participating since I saw the contest the previous year, I'd only been on wattpad for a few months at that stage and never had the chance to enter it, so I couldn't let this opportunity pass by. I was looking for anything with a mansion in it to work with the idea i had, which actually proved quiet difficult as there was so many to choose from!

What inspired your winning Halloween Vault entry? Are there any urban legends or cool fun facts that influenced your entry while writing?

I watch a lot of you tube (who doesn't these days) to do with ghost hunting and murder mysteries. I find the idea's of hauntings fascinating, the interpretations and reason's behind ghosts or spirits being stuck in one place really helped bring to life my idea.

What were some challenges you experienced while writing the story?

The word limit was defiantly the hardest part for me. I knew what i wanted to get across and I'd written it all out, but it ended up being too long! I had to edit it down and cut out a far bit which was challenging, it's always hard to figure out what should stay and what should go out of a a short story like this.

What advice would you like to share to those who wish to participate in Halloween Vault in the future?

Dive in and do it! I had so much fun writing my story and reading, commenting and interacting with all the other participants and their entries. My best advise, write for the trash can, it doesn't have to be great or perfect, just keep writing. Prompts can be challenging to work with but it only helps to improve your writing.

If every day could be Halloween, what would you look forward to the most?

The decorations! There's just something about the charming and spooky decor that warms my heart. I love setting up the house or walking down the street seeing all the yards all decked out. It's just so much fun! (Scaring the little kidlets when they knock on the door is pretty fun though too >.>)

What mythological creature from urban or folkloric legends scares you the most / gives you shivers down your spine?

That would have to be a wendigo, they are so increadably creepy!

Do you have a favorite ghost story from your culture? If so, please tell us about it in 1-2 short paragraphs!

I'm Australian, one of my most favorite ghost story's from home is about the Kalamunda hotel, it's an actual place you can stay the night. Built in the 1920's and used as a refuge for locals during the war, apparitions of former residents often appear to those that are willing to stay. Flying posters, glasses moving or being thrown to the ground, voices whispering your name, just some of the things that are said to happen while at the hotel.

One of the most well known ghosts is of a young pregnant girl, said to haunt room 24. It's speculated that she took her own life, throwing herself from the balcony, while others believe she actually died in room 24. But who is this mysterious man with the mustache? And why are the ghosts only on the second floor? Was the fire that destroyed the second floor (Now rebuilt) caused by the ghostly residents or just an accident? It's a mystery with very little answers and i love it!

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, FLPolgar! We wish you the best of luck in your writing endeavors.

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