our first call

26 1 0

December 02, 2023.

Belahan bumi lain

Wassup Mr. Moon.

Take a seat,
your star need tell you a story that she never said.
Look at this guy, 173 cm? Tinggi kaya tower indihome.
Look at those beautiful eyes, yang aku tidak pernah berani tatap.
And look at that beautiful smile. I'm a big fan of your smile.
Ngl, you're so fine just the way you are.
You are such a good person.
I love how you treat your family and your brother.

Berbicara empat mata?.
Masih inget ga malem itu? Malam disaat aku menghampirimu dengan sepeda gunungku, bahkan langit malam saja tidak membuat matamu meredup, aku bisa melihatnya dengan jelas.
Telfon? Voice note?.
Such a bad guitar cover yang aku kirim ke kamu, Rose and best part.
But the first video called nonton film that we did, I blushed.
Kupu-kupu mulai memenuhi perutku,
That was my first time video call dengan seseorang lawan jenis, Dan itu kamu.

How can I hold the feeling?
When you do my heart beat so fast.

Hold my hand, i'll hold u tight sampai apa yang menghantui kepalamu menghilang.
Just said everything that u want say to me to our room chat.
Semesta selalu berperan disetiap pertemuan,
Aku belum memperbarui lembaran buku kita.

Listen to me Mr. Scorpion,
Let's meet Saat aku pulang.
Why? Cause I'm fucking missing and worried bout u.
Just said that u miss me too,
I'll kill u!.

Eat ur meal, biar gndut sperti babi.

LINTAS NESTAPATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang