horny bitches😂🐣

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"Umm... time's up guys" Jungkook says, covering his eyes.

Jimin was kissing your lips so passionately. "Give us one more minute" he says and jungkook's brows furrow.

This boy, will he just stop being a horny bitch and come so we can continue the game.

Jungkook thought before giving them some privacy.

"What's taking them so long?" Taehyung asks as Jungkook takes his seat.

"Those horny bitches need one more minute"

"Daaamn" Jin says we a grin.

After some time, you and Jimin come out and take your seats, making sure not to make eye contact with the six boys looking at the two of you with teasing smiles.

You and Jimin were blushing and sweating like crazy. The two of you say close to each other and held each other hand, intertwining fingers without the others noticing.

After some moments of teasing, jimin clears his throat. "Truth or dare namjoon". "dare"

"I dare you to sext a random person I pick from your contacts"

TRUTH OR DARE: Bts ffWhere stories live. Discover now