Chapter 1/2

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"Yo Jean, can you go to the convenience store to get that energy drink that I liked?"

Stronghold broke my daydreaming by asking me this question

"Me?" "Again???"

Helping my brothers is my pleasure but it was tiring for me to run errands most of the times. Especially this late.

"And me also! Capri-Sun!" Magnus whispered

"Um.... Okay...." I agreed to help them, again.

"Anyone wanted anything from the convenience store!?"

I yelled to make sure that everyone hears, even thought it was quiet.

"Can I had tang cha-I meant chinese tea?" Wild added.

"Okay.... Is that everything?" "Belle?" "Nun-chuck?"

"I'm okay Jean." She replied. With a smile that could make me melt in front of everyone.

I'll run for you anytime you want BB, but if you declined then it's okay, I'll run for my brothers then.

"Yeah, I'm okay..." Nun-chuck replied sadly. I looked at her one last time, she was looking at her spacesuit art.

I farewelled everyone and went up to the elevator.

The convenience store (Jean-Clawed)Where stories live. Discover now