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My knees buckling finally making it out the house, the cold wind slapping my face while I sniffled. My heart refuses to subside from its ramming, unsure of which emotion was I feeling.

As promised my car was fixed, sitting high with all four tires pumped with air. It almost didn't feel right, the sob in my throat threatening to claw out made swallowing painful. Climbing inside, my eyes blur with tears, refusing to let them fall as I continuously wiped them before spill from the lid dampening my lashes, Just a few seconds away was home.

The kitchen light on. Slowly pulling into my driveway watching my husband through the window laughing with someone over the phone. The emotional pain wins and I sob uncontrollably, clenching onto the wheel, after so long of being married I broke my vows.

Lusting for another man, yearning for his touch and kisses, wishing there was more to it, I love my husband with everything but the spark in the bedroom just died. Rather than seek help I fall to the touch of another, for what felt like hours I'm sobbing louder. Stuck in a one sided debate with myself, should I tell him?

Images of scenarios play like scenes in my mind, how would this even be fixed? The worst that can happen is a divorce, but it will also lead to shame and losing the man that I love and going the rest of my life without him while I wallow in pity. No escape was the best escape and Little by little I sunk into a depression, maybe we can talk about it and move on?

We've never had really had arguments that bad, I have never seen him get enraged before unless it's involving his company.
My mom and I don't speak, out of question, Maybe I'll call AnnaLisa for help? I cringe, even that's a bad idea cause she'll rightfully tell me off, words are stuck in my throat that I want to spew so bad.

I'm at a dead end.

Stomach boiling with guilt watching him move about in the kitchen, gathering myself I made a choice. I'll try and tell him, easier said than done.

I felt Like a newborn trying to stand, the length of the front door grow distant, swirls of purple clouding my eyes. I'm pulling anchors while battling the bile threatening to rip through my throat.

With a deep breath I'm at the front door, keyes ready to insert when something burned my right cheek. A creepy feeling arising the goosebumps on my skin, with just a slight twist of my head I'm ready to collapse.

Alessandro stood at his doorstep, hands in his pockets looking at me with soft eyes, A look of serene. My heart thuds with a large rise of my chest staring right back at him. I can still taste the whiskey on his tongue, the ghost feel of his hands. Cocking his head to the side he mistook my staring as a sign to approach, hastily I run inside watching his feet move forward to me.

Slamming my back and head behind the door, emotions flooding through my chest I hadn't notice my husband approaching me. The touch of his gentle hand on my shoulder brought me down from worry. The warm house and the scent of my favorite dinner; Mac and Cheese with Bacon.

"You alright babe?" His soft deep voice speaks to me.

I turn to him, vision blurring, Admiring his every facial features.

"Hey, hey, it's ok." He whispers sliding his hand across my waist. I blinked and the water works burst.

"I love you" I whispered, losing all Purpose, the brick I build around my emotions tumbled and I'm crumbling before him. My hands wrapping around his neck burying my nose onto his left shoulder.

"I love you too," he breathes leaving feathery touches behind my back.


I sit in the warm bath, mind traveling frantically, replaying all the scenes that happened moments prior. I bring my knees to my chest disgusted by my nipples, dark brown beads erecting painfully to the ghost feel of Alessandro's tongue. Though my lower body is submerged in the tub I can feel my pussy oozing by the way it licked, clenching to swallow and massage his shaft inside me with my walls.

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