O3 ~ observations

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Me and my twin sister (because I have  to have like forty siblings so why not have a twin (sarcasm)) have made some observations on the social scene at this stupid school.

One: they have that stereotypical couple that's always making out, Geoff and Bridgette. Other than the constant kissing they're both pretty nice

Two: there is a fuck ton of shitty guys here. I would list names but both me and my sister are awful at names. Couple tried to flirt with my sister, kinda stupid on their part, she's a bit like Romana Flowers without the murderous exes. Her exes are still pretty obsessed with her though.

Three (this is one I thought of on my own): Cody Emmett Jameson Anderson is stupid cute, like I can't stop thinking about him cute, like he makes a  squealing romcom teenage girl cute. God I hate him. Obviously Maya (my sister) has no idea about this however, why the hell would I tell her about the guy that's making me act like this after a week of knowing him

Anyway, it's 12:30 am and I can't sleep, like every other night. I might have insomnia... or depression, no idea. I walked down to the kitchen tiredly... or depressed-ly? Whatever. I saw my sister sitting on the kitchen counter eating yogurt. This is probably the first time I've seen her eat in like a week. She's got a fuck ton of issues, used to dye her hair to cope but then it fried so she had to wash the dye out after that. Now she's just super fucked up and hates therapists, says you can't trust them, like weirdos at bars. She's into conspiracy theories and crap.

"Hey dork." She says tiredly, we both have awful sleep schedules (if you can even call it that).

"Hey Maya." I responded, we both knew she could tell something is up. Twin telepathy I guess. 

"What's wrong?"

God I hate being right.

a/n: a wee bit longer lol!! um im gonna leave what happened that night a total secret for a couple more chapters but anyways the chat fic bit is gonna be next chapter! ily byeeee

words: 357

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