O7 ~ tell someone

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Alejandro is back. I don't hate him but I don't exactly like him either, he tends to bring out the worst in Heather and makes jokes about a guy I maybe sorta kinda have a crush on liking me! He would never like me, I'm just some dumbass and he's... he's different? It's odd. I've never met anyone like him. 

I learned about Greek gods for my English class last year. He reminds me of one of those. He's smart, really attractive, and he just has this... aura as that weird sophomore girl would say. He's so perfect.

I want to tell someone. Not my bandmates, Justin will make a massive deal out of it, Harold will somehow tie it back to Leshawna, and Trent will try to write a song out of it.

Not Heather, she'll probably tell Alejandro. He'd tell everyone.

Maybe Gwen? I used to have a crush on Gwen but ever since she made it abundantly clear that we'd never date we became good friends. She even bought me my favorite PJ shirt for Christmas. It's one of those stupid two seater shirts but it makes me smile and remember that I ❤️ emo boys shirt I bought for her at that same Christmas party. 

I'll probably tell Gwen. 


Does that mean I'll be coming out to someone?!

How the hell do I do that?

I'll text her, it'll probably be easier that way... probably.

Code-meister 😎🦶🏚️/Gwennypoo 🥺🪇

Code-meister 😎🦶🏚️: hey gwen i have smtn important to tell u...

Gwennypoo🥺🪇: go ahead codes

Code-meister 😎🦶🏚️: i think i like boys

Gwennypoo 🥺🪇: omg!! who made you realize?! was it the new kid?! anyway i support u 2 billion and 1 %! ❤️❤️❤️

Code-meister 😎🦶🏚️: thanks gwen ❤️ i'll tell u more abt it at gym tmrw

I turned off my phone and threw it. Why was I so fucking blunt and weird about it! GOD IM SO DUMB! Whatever. I'm just gonna turn on some dumb YouTube documentary and go to sleep. Not thinking about Noah at all... totally.

a/n guess who almost had a heart attack today 😍 (im ok dw!) anywho have a good day/night!! eat something today, drink water and ily!

words: 356

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