O5 ~ i hate him

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I was ranting to Heather about the new guy again. Luckily her boyfriend isn't here today to say shit like 'Oh he totally likes you'. He doesn't. And sure he's hot... and funny... and smart... but that doesn't mean I'd ever like him! Right? I'm... I'm straight. 

"Oh and I tried to be nice and smile at him, and you know what he did?!" I gossiped angrily, "What?" Heather said, invested as hell. "He just- He looks away! He even seemed annoyed! God if the teacher wasn't there I would totally ask Harold to kick his ass for me." I knew I couldn't fight him, I'm weak ass fuck and he's like surprisingly kinda buff? We have a gym class together and all I'm saying is that he's not as weak as he seems in those oversized hoodies.

"Ugh! That's so annoying. God that guy has no class." 

"Honestly! He's so... GOD!" I slammed my hands down on the lunch table in frustration, making to shake.

"What's going on?" Gwen sat down, sitting in the best spot for her to stare at Trent. She has a huge crush on him. 

"That new boy, he's pissing Cody off." Heather told Gwen, rubbing my back. 

"Hm... I'm sure he doesn't mean to." She said, doing her normal routine of picking at her salad. I rolled my eyes, Gwen always tried to see the best in people. The only good thing about Noah is his fa- WHY DO I KEEP THINKING LIKE THIS!! I might sound like Tyler around Heather's boyfriend but, I like girls!... Right?


time skip.

I sat on my bed, looking at my computer. It was around 11 pm, my parents were on another "business trip" where they cheat on each other. God they need a divorce. Anyways I thought back to lunch... why did I keep thinking about Noah like that?! Ugh! I sighed, typing something I never thought I would into google:

'Am I Gay Quiz'

I clicked on the first result, before going back after realizing it was just some gay pop culture buzzfeed quiz. The next one I found seemed right, it was on WikiHow but... it will work.

Have you ever had feelings for a same-gender close friend?

I wouldn't exactly call him a friend... like at all, but I might have feelings for him. I clicked the maybe option.

Have you ever kissed someone or wanted to kiss someone of the same gender?

I haven't... but like... do I want to kiss Noah? I imagined a scenario where we have some romantic movie kiss and... I don't think I hate it. 'I haven't done it, but I want to try it.' seems right.

How do you feel about queer characters in TV shows and movies?

I don't really see many gay people in the stuff I watch, I watch Glee with Heather sometimes but that's kinda it... should I start watching more gay stuff?

When someone asks you who you're crushing on...?

I kinda blurt out a random girl. Why do I do that?

How would you feel about identifying as gay?

I shook a bit. I don't know? Like if the shoe fits wear it but also... do I want to be gay?

Have you ever felt attracted to someone of the same gender?


What inspired you to take this quiz?


You could be bisexual or somewhere on the LGBTQ+ spectrum.

I skimmed through the blurb the website wrote, wiping away tears.

"God damn you, Noah." I mumbled, sobbing.


a/n yay im done this took me like an hour! uh the quiz is real but i skipped a few questions bc they weren't as important to me lol! byeee have a good day and be sure to eat something + drink some water!! ALSO THANK YOU ALL SO SO MUCH FOR 100+ READS THAT IS INSANE!! ILY GUYS SM

words: 624

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