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With these arguments from arrogant vegan activists against many of these successful fast food joints having an amount of animal torture behind them, I wanted to make something different for McCopperbottom's. I wondered what if hamburgers AND cheeseburgers didn't need to involve cows or at the same time not have the nasty vegan tofu flavor?

And so I'm going to say McCopperbottom's beef comes from tiny water droplets and atoms that eventually grow into hamburger patties. No cows involved! Think about the replicator from the Star Trek series. I talked before about how I have a scary conspiracy theory that these animal activists are actually on the break for killing the human race. And so I believe there must be a way for all beings to be happy without inconvenient sacrifice. 

Hopefully these will not contain any cholesterol, although there have been some studies saying that cholesterol isn't actually making our cholesterol levels higher as like fat is not the enemy for making us fat. It's sugar all the way! 

Let me just say now that all McCopperbottom's products will contain little NO high fructose corn syrup. I believe that is the real #1 enemy for what has made us fat. 

Big Macs or Quarter Pounders you might be wondering? Well, yes sure! They will most likely end up on the menu too. Expect the Big Mac might end up with a different name. 

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