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Brahma " Hey Prabhu!! Hey Lord of the world!! sinful acts of these foolish demons are increasing day by day !! Oh Jagannath please save this earth !! "


Krishna " Now I myself will appear on this earth to uplift my devotees and to deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I myself will appear but this time !! Along with my pleasure potency i.e srimathi Radha Rani "


Krishna " Hey Radhe!! I myself cannot understand this love of yours. Neither can I understand that love nor can you explain it. Hence oh Radhe !!  I will appear in kaliyug to experience and feel your love "


Arjuna " My dear Kṛṣṇa, seeing my friends and relatives present before me in such a fighting spirit, I feel the limbs of my body shivering and my mouth drying up. My whole body is trembling, my hair is standing on end, my bow Gāṇḍīva is slipping from my hand, and my skin is burning. O Kṛṣṇa, killer of the Keśī demon please clear this ignorance of mine and show me a way. "


Arjuna " If the upcoming Kaliyuga is going to be so terrible then what will happen to the future generations? "


Krishna " I will perform a lila, Such a lila which not everyone can hear and understand. "


Earth " Hey Brahma dev !! Please help me !! I can't lift this burden of sins anymore !! Hey Chaturānana please guide me. "


Who is krishna ?

What is this Goloka ?

Who is the supreme power controlling the multiverse ?

Who's that Krishna is talking about?

Hare Kṛṣṇa 🪷✨

Dear readers,

This book is based on scriptures with some changes to attract the readers.

What ever said in this book is mostly authentic.

Let's start a journey to know more about krishna and his lilas.

About kaliyuga and our eternal goal.

Let's know about ourselves.

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