Season 2 Finale: Genesis Control Freaks

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A Few Hours Later After The Hunt...

Sonic's POV

After Dad and the Skylanders went to save Hugo from falling to his doom, I went to the Kingdom of Acorn later with Whisper to find some recruits.

What caught me by surprise was Lanolin. She was inspired by my heroism and my friends helping everyone that she wanted to join the Freedom Fighters. I have to say, the more the merrier.

The Freedom Fighters have been growing with the help of the Skylanders and the Kingdom Of Acorn.

Including Sally. When it comes to tactics, that's our girl to call. God, she is a quick thinker and has a fun side when some situations are serious.

Sally had broken the Freedom Fighters into 3 groups for special ops, and even Team Spyro joined the group for fun so now we have 4 groups.

I lead Team Fighters as Tails, Shard, and Leo are part of my team. Tails will be our pilot, support, and techno wiz since she is the genius of the group, pilots the Tornado, and hacks things in a second. Shard will be our heavy support since he has such a cool arsenal (I gotta thank the professor for making him if I visit the Mirror Dimension). Lastly, Leo is our minor support, and he assists the team in the battle in any way her can, even if he is scared. Our purpose for this team is to be more an offense than a defense, and surely it is more fun than be defense.

Team Freedom is led by Sally and her teammates are Bunnie, Alivia, and Mom. Bunnie is their air support, using her cool-ass cyborg legs to handle any enemies in the sky or on the ground. Alivia is the team's support and specialist, letting her chop up any robots with her master of blades, thanks to Elf. Mom's role on the team is to talk strategy with Sal and be the team's munitions and heavy-ranged support, considering that Tails outfitted her with a minigun. Team Freedom is tasked to be defense as whenever say Skylander Academy was attacked again, the Skylanders would have better help.

And last of the group is a rapid response team called the Diamond Cutters, led by Narti as their temporary leader and infiltrator and the members are Whisper, Lanolin, and Tangle. Whisper is once again the scout and sniper of the team, letting her do recon and take out badniks from... 400 meters, if I remember what she told me. Tangle is the team's heavy support as she uses her tail to crush a badnik into bits of scrap. As for Lanolin, Narti thinks she could be the leader of the team but the sheep became a bit nervous. So Narti wanted her to show her the ropes of being a leader until she got some confidence.

Right now, everyone is just resting as the sun begins to set.

I head over to Tail's workshop, open the door, and I say, "Yo, Tails!"

I see Tails working on the Tornado as she pulls up her wielding goggles and smiles at me. "Hey, Sonic. How did it go with the recruitment program?"

"Good, but boring," I say with a smirk. "How are you doing?" I ask as I ruffle her hair, making her giggle and smack my hand away.

"I'm okay, Sonic!" Tails says as she calms down her laughter. "I am just working on modifications with the Tornado, giving it a special launcher under its hull."

"What kind of launcher?" I ask, making her smile, and walks over to her desk as I follow.

"Something you will like, I have been collected some rings while you were out hunting Mimic." Tails says as she puts a bag on the table from a cabinet. "I got this idea I have been researching for a long time. My analysis shows me that these rings gave off a super amount of energy."

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