Chapter 21 - Dusk and Pain

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KEY = Subtitle/POV change | Author's note |"Speech" | 'Quote/Thoughts' | Text | Emphasis

The sun crawled down towards the horizon. Once it had left, chaos would flood the darkness. I fidgeted with my simple, violet dress. It was made of armoured cotton, a substance made with magic. The only way it could be penetrated was if the assailant used tonnes of force, yet it was extremely light.

"Hey." I turned to see Aelfric walking towards me, his armour glinting in the golden light.

"Hey," I replied, smiling gravely, "You ready?"

I could sense his presence next to me, his hand already on his sword. He seemed relaxed as if it was a normal night. "Never. I feel like my brain is made of... what's that avocado thing you like? Oh, guacamole." He chuckled. I'd never admit it out loud, but I liked his laugh. It was deep, a low staccato. It took me back to when my father would laugh heartily, when the strain of age never bothered him. It made me feel safe.

"Come on, you need to get your bow," he said, pulling me towards the tower I'd stored my weapon in. 

Just when we were about to enter the tower, a horn blew. I looked behind me, a big mistake. The sun had almost sunken fully behind the horizon. The red moon would appear in a few seconds. We broke into a frenzied run, reaching the weapon's room just as all the soldiers that were on break rushed outside. I slide my leather quiver strap over my head, its many arrows clinking with the sudden movement. I grabbed my bow and put the hard archers' cap on my head.

"Let's go," I said, grabbing Aelfirc's hand as we ran. We arrived outside to see an already blooming battle, monsters trying to climb the castle walls as they were shot down by the archers already present. I squeezed Aelfric's hand before I joined them, sending arrow after arrow down onto the heads of the monsters. Before long, I had run out of arrows. I quickly ran from the edge of the wall, aiming to restock my quiver. Of course, the monsters had other ideas. As I ran, I heard the screams and shouts of archers overcome by the monsters. I calculated that I had about a minute until I had to be back in the fight. Again, I was wrong.

"Belinda!" Aelfirc called as a monster struck my head, the blow knocking me out cold. The only thing I could hear before the darkness overtook me was a familiar cry of vengeance, the clash of iron on bone as I faded away.

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