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Stella: Okay girls I can sense they are back now.

Nana: That was fast.

Historia: Knowing them they don't want to waste any single minute.

Sakura: So we should get outside for wait them.

Eri: Let's go Ai-chan.

Ai: Sure thing Eri.

As they are going to door wait for their return and something watch them from shadow and it show to Kota who watches on them.

Kota: Who is she? Why did she look like my Eri?

And girls are arrive to the door and saw them return as they rush over for getting hug them as they throw themselve for their love.

Izuku: I'm back Stella.

Stella: Thank goodness for not have injured.

Ace: I'm sorry Nana about Tomura..............

Nana: *sad* It would be best for let him rest in peace.

Beros: Yo Sakura did you miss me?

Sakura: Of course you idiot.

Neon: Come back to family.

Historia: I know you would. But is it over?

Neon: Yes it's over.

Stella: How did you finish it fast?

Izuku: They too weak right Ace?

Ace: They are weak and too confident for thinking they can win.

Beros: So what we gonna do now?

Ace: Annouce this news to everyone and also it's time destroyed true villians.

Izuku: Yea right.

Ai: Let's go Eri we'll took care aunties're daughter.

Eri: Like we played family time?

Ai: *whisper* How about we make real family?

Eri: *blush* Shut up...... Who else said in the bed 'Fuck yeah baby'?

Ai: *blush* Shuu.....

Izuku: Huh? What did you two say?

Eri: Nothing!!!

Ai: She said she want her little siblings.

Eri: No!!! Don't listen to her dad, mom!!!

Izuku: *broke* Not daddy??

Stella: Not mommy?

Eri: Not anymore.

Izuku shocked and faint out as well as Stella while Eri and Ai bring them to inside while Kota look at them with hatred eyes.

Kota: Who the hell is she? Dare to stole Eri from me?

As Kamen Corporation start to annoucement to everyone and it live on social around japan and world while Izuku's past still sleep in their abandoned house

Ace: Okay I have couple of things to annouce to you japan. First of all All For One and Shigaraki along with his group no longer to harm you anymore.

1#: Why!!??

Ace: They are died in our hands.

As everyone shocked for knowing villians died and some former pro heroes tried to attack him but something make them fall down and laid down on the floor as well as people all of japan and it was...........

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