𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣

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❝the water❞

Juniper walked in front of the doctor, jumping onto the docks as she heard the man speak to the woman, "I said, stay away from the boat

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Juniper walked in front of the doctor, jumping onto the docks as she heard the man speak to the woman, "I said, stay away from the boat." The man had his gun pointed at her head. The doctor caught up with her, putting a gentle hand onto her waist as the dirty blonde looked at their conflict with confusion.

"You don't get this to yourself." The woman said as the two made their way to them.

"This blaster says I do." He said.

"Put that blaster down. We all know you're not gonna use it. No injuring, no killing, no sabotage. Isn't that what-his-face said?" The doctor said, both her and Juniper standing in front of the two now. The doctor still had her arm around the others waist, just trying to stay close to the younger woman as much as she could.

"Yeah, well, maybe I don't play by the rules." The man said.

"Did you practice those lines in the mirror." The doctor said, letting Juniper go. "See this?" She raised her pinkie up and then pressed it against his throat, paralyzing the man.

"Nice move." The woman nodded to her.

"Thanks. Venusian Aikido. Grand master Pacifist. Temporarily paralyses, while also being fundamentally harmless. Very clever, those Venusian nuns. Shall I let go?" She asked, letting the man go. He gasped as the three other humans finally made it to the docks.

"And this boat doesn't work." The woman said.

"Oh, me and Ryan will take a look." Graham volunteered himself and his grandson.

"Will we?" Ryan asked.

"Well, those NVQ classes must be good for something. An engines and engines." Graham said, patting him on the back.

"Not a space engine." Ryan said.

"You don't get to take charge here. This is about me and her fighting to win." The man said.

"We're all going to the same place and that boat is big enough for all of us." Yaz said.

"Yaz is right. If we get it started, we all get onboard." The doctor told him.

"Yeah, I know what this is. You are all part of Ilin's game. Saboteurs. Sent to throw us off." The man said, the paranoia being clear as day. Juniper frowned, knowing he was probably suffering from something for him to be so paranoid by them. Both of these people, they've suffered and lost others. She could tell. That's why they're so determined to win this race.

"You think the whole universe is out to get you." The woman said.

"How's your family, Angstrom?" The man asked. Angstrom looked at him, her face full of hurt.

"Now that's just uncalled for mate," Juniper spoke, the doctor kneeling next to the water to scan it as the brunette looks the man in the eyes, "you never mention a hurtful topic. Ever. No matter how mad you are," she spoke. Angstrom gave her a grateful smile as the man crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"So that's why he said don't touch the water." The doctor read her sonic, then turned her gaze to Juniper who kneeled beside her, Yaz on the other side of the blonde. "Flesh eating microbes. Millions of them living in there. Toxic atmosphere. Killer water. Very dangerous planet, Yaz and Juni." Yaz and Juniper both glanced at each other, the brunette's hand going to the older woman's shoulder and gently squeezed. The blonde smiled at the contact, grabbing her hand on her shoulder and held it there.

As the doctor went to help Ryan and Graham, Juniper went over towards Angstrom with Yaz following in tow. The two women sat on one of the broken pillars, sitting across from Angstrom. Feeling their presence, she spoke, "I've never seen so much water."

"You're Albarian, he said?" Yaz asked, the Albarian turned to them

"Yes, the planet of Albar. It's tiny. Crammed full of rusting high-rises. Everyone wants to leave any way they can. Even more so since..." Angstrom tailed off. Juniper frowned.

"It's all right, love. Take your time," Juniper had spoken, which made Yaz clamp her mouth shut. Angstrom looked at them, her guard rebuilding.

"I don't know you. Either of you." She said, taking her head piece off and stuffing it away.

"Up and running. All aboard." The doctor spoke, going up to the three. Juniper stood up and went to the hyper blonde, who grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the boar. Juniper laughed at being pulled, neither of them noticing how Angstrom looked at them, the two women swinging their now interlocked hands about. The dirty blonde wished to have something like that again.

"Yaz! Come hither child!" Yaz laughed as she came to Juniper who wrapped an arm around her shoulder, the Khan girl using her own arm to wrap around the older woman's waist. She let the doctors hand go and wrapped that arm around the time-ladies shoulders, "there we are. I've got my girls, and now we're off to sail the seven seas!" Juniper exclaimed, letting go of her friends and running onto the boat. Yaz and the doctor stared a look.

"We are not her girls." The doctor spoke, getting the suspicious feeling this exact scene had played out before.

"Yeah we are." Yaz disagreed.

"Yeah we are." The doctor nodded, following the others onto the boat. Juniper, for now, seemed a lot social from when the doctor first crash landed into the train. It's probably because the doctor is back, or because Juniper is trying to distract herself with a facade of her being somewhat happy.

The Juniper she saw on the train and the Juniper she's looking at right now seemed to be different, in so many ways, and the doctor needs to know why.

note: sorry, short chapter, but the next chapters will be a bit longer. I'll be editing whilst updating, so I'll need to tweak the personality of Juniper.

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word count: 996

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