Part 4

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It's one of the last shows before the Christmas break between the US and the UK leg of the tour, and everyone is exhausted. You've had a few days off here and there between gigs, spent mostly in bed with Polly as you watched movies together and caught up on sleep, but the tour schedule was tight without much recovery time.

Gratefully accepting another cup of tea from you, Polly's cough worsens as she hacks into the crook of her elbow. Her voice is gone, spending the morning drinking herbal tea and downing cold and flu lozenges, she's definitely not recovered enough for tonight's show.

"I told you we should've done this earlier," Jamie Squire and George have been rushing around the venue with microphones and their laptops attempting to create some pre-recorded voice tracks to use during the performance.

You hadn't been prepared for a situation like this and don't know how to help. You turn to Matty.

"What do you need me to do?"

He scoffs bitterly, "Find a replacement, obviously."

You roll your eyes and open your phone contacts. Things have smoothed over since your confrontation on the way to Minneapolis, but sometimes it felt like you were starting all over with him. It felt like your first day again, and you were walking on eggshells.

"Brittany can do it," Polly's raspy voice calls out.

Mistaking her offer as condescension, you face her indignantly, "Of course, I can."

Polly shakes her head, "No, you could sing."

Jamie stops what he's doing, looking from Polly to you. It feels like all the air is getting sucked out of the room. You're embarrassed by her suggestion. She must want to make a fool of you. Adam and Ross stop their conversation, paying attention to you instead.

"That's not a bad idea that," George is observing you from behind his laptop screen.

Your face hardens as you watch those in the room trade unsure looks with each other.

"I'm not entertaining this conversation. I'll find the openers and see if they can jump on a song or two."

Leaving the room, the sound of your heels fades down the concrete hallway in your departure. The rehearsal space is silent again, everyone looking to Matty, awaiting his instruction. Arms folded across his chest, he's quiet. Contemplative. Finally, he focuses on George. They have a silent conversation before half-sentences form between them.

"Jamie could?"

"She knows the words,"

"Polly could still?"


Suddenly, there's a new energy overtaking the area. George delves instructions to Adam and Ross, who rush from the room to the sound booth side stage. Jamie gets the task of setting up a rehearsal space for you to learn everything you need to know. Quickly. Polly takes off to find you in the other dressing rooms, her curly hair flying wildly behind her as she runs.


Everyone is talking at you fast.

"So, you're gonna come on stage through the door with Polly- "

"But you're not going to- "

"You'll do Polly's solo in About You- "

"I'll work on the key changes with you if you can't hit- "

The voices are too loud, and nobody has asked if you ever wanted to do this. Looking around at their excited and happy faces, you almost don't want to tell them you won't be.

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