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Sometimes, true emotions are hard to show. Sometimes, those hidden feelings get so bottled up until one day, they explode.

That's not how it is for Delilah Adkins. No, she shows her feelings. Whether it be distaste, admiration, or whatever, Delilah will openly show it.

However, she wasn't always like this. She used to push away any disgust and replace it with the right amount of optimism. Something changed inside of her but no one knew. Well, only her family, of course.

After a small mishap in class, Delilah is paired with a boy who-unfortunately for her-wants to know what makes her so bitter. It's absolutely no help that she already hates him.

And it all started with one question:

"why do you wear polka dots on Tuesdays?"

|| end ||

[please excuse my crappy 'prologue' I'm just now trying to focus on my writing and i must say, i suck. but do continue reading, with your help it'll get better]


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