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this may contain EXPLICIT CONTENT not recommended for minors or sensitive people such as sex (between ADULTS), suggestive topics, alcohol and drug consumption, cursing, mentions of depression, domestic abuse (not between the main couple OBVIOUSLY), violence and murder. be discreet and cautious about what you read AND remember this is only FICTION.

and yeah this shit has it all. I want to be dramatic ok? also if I'll go for mafia I'll do it well.

ok so now we relax lol

I can't believe I'm doing this.
I'm completely against this type of stories, not the mafia ones but the toxic ones which is so ironic to say because bb!liskook are so damn toxic. but for some reason, I'm really excited about this since I want to be crude and play with it. lol i want to play with these topics like playing with UNO cards as if it was nothing. but don't worry, the romance, the sex, the liskook won't take long to be here and stay for long, they ain't toxic (mostly). we're not going slow burn this time (at least not in intimacy terms and i know some of you just follow me because of that lol) so don't worryyyyy. tukkimomma is making a change for once here

here are some things I want to say before you read this and I'll be so happy if you do it so you won't say some annoying stuff after:

• so, first of all, I want to say CLEARLY that the characters in this story won't be politically correct or they will do completely wrong things. and that doesn't mean I agree with them or think like them. it just a story, IT'S FICTION.

• this is not the bible Susan, I said this will contain murder so there will be blood and psychos who will take said murder like it's nothing. be ready and if you'll say "This is completely wrong" no shit sherlock, I would never know murder is wrong if you didn't tell me. what I mean is: this is dark. but not that dark since it has romance and humour... yeah humour because I have a dark sense of humour. also, I'm fluffy and liskook will be so fluffy and hot with each other. but anyway. if you are not into this, don't read it. it's easy like that.

the characters in this story have nothing to do with the real people behind them. and by that I mean COMPLETELY different in general but they'll keep their real vibes... some of them. most of them are actually a bit unlikeable, like, take them with a grain of salt, im mostly experimenting with new characters. but jk is charming and lisa is a bit bitchy but she for sure has balls so yup, i love them. my fave couple among all the different types of liskook I've made through the years

if you don't like it, leave. I'm not putting a gun in your head to get you to stay. don't be rude.

• sex happens kids. I like sex and I like to write it, so for sure, there will be smut and a lot of steamy moments. I won't put warnings this time as I do with my other stories since this story it's already mature, more than the others, so don't read this if you're under 15 and if you're don't let me know bc I feel guilty ok? also my smut is usually very explicit and can get dirty. and I'll kick your ass if you comment stupid shit during it, you're warned.

English is not my first language. I'm doing an effort, ok? so please don't be rude. and if you find grammar mistakes you are free to correct me, I'll be glad to accept it. JUST DONT BULLY ME BITCH AJSJKAS ILL CRY

this is my first time with this type of plot and context. so I'll try to educate myself the best I can to do it well but please be understanding. if you have been reading me you already know I'm very open to ideas, suggestions and corrections so don't be shy and tell me your thoughts.

I DON'T UPDATE REGULARLY. I won't say sorry for that, I have a life, and I'm a procrastinator. I write because I love to and I'll try to show my best so be patient, remember that you ain't paying my bills my real-world job is. 

hope you enjoy my trial of mafia au and let me know in the comments. I read them all and I try to respond to all of them. FOR REAL, try to be supportive, seeing you means the world to us authors and it motivates us a lot to keep writing and sharing our fics. pls try to bring good energy to every author you follow if you want them to keep going.

by the way, hiii!!
this is your girl cake, mother of the tukkis, one of the few liskookas authors still alive.
welcome to my lil world if it's your first time seeing me and be more than welcome to check on my other stories if you're bored and wanna read something hehe. 

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