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It was dark, very dark

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It was dark, very dark.

But she just could see through the dark, abandoned room thanks to the moonlight coming from a really high and small window in a corner. That night the white satellite was high in the sky.

She was freezing cold and already used to the foul smell in the room. The muscles of her arms were numb after so many hours and days in the same position. Her wrist was handcuffed to the back of the rusted iron bed, where she had been thrown, and the mattress reeked of old and damp, infested with fleas that stung her bare legs and left small, annoying red marks that she made ten times worse with her broken dirty nails after hours of anxious scratching.

Her knees were burned, she had been thrown to the floor several times, hearing obnoxious giggles coming from those who enjoyed seeing her unable to get up again. She had fallen down several times by herself when she was trying to get her wrist free; but since she ended up face down on the floor she stopped trying. Her swollen and injured cheekbone still burned when she made expressions. It was worthless, anyway, she couldn't free herself. Her injured skin and hand covered with stains of her own blood were the proof.

She was terrified, her racing heart had never stopped beating wildly, it echoed in her ears, sometimes so much it clogged her ears and made her dizzy. Despite faintness and anxiety, she couldn't stay still. Even when she supposedly was, her nails were scraping her palms until there was blood. It hurt, everything hurt.

She wanted to vomit, fear and nerves churned her stomach up even when she was starving and devouring like a hungry rat the disgusting dishes they left for her everyday. Even breathing sometimes was difficult, when the heartbeats were so loud in her ears and her lungs struggled to work. She was suffocating like a fish out of water.

Was someone going to get her out of this place?

How long had she been there? After passing out so many times, she couldn't tell but it felt like years.

Some days passed by calmly, desperately quietly, making her uneasy because it felt like they were going to come to torment her at any minute. Other days were just a long torment. They came to her cell and laughed at her, so evil and clear that they reminded her of the laughter of the diabolical clown her brother used to bother her with when she was little.

"Where is your father, princess?" They loved to say in Chinese, making fun of her.

She didn't know.

"Where are you, daddy?"

Where was her brother?

Where were they all?

Why had nobody come to save her?

Never before had she felt so lonely and stupid.

Her brother would never have been kidnapped. He was strong and skilled, he could cut a throat in seconds, he could fight and destroy.

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