Day 2: Family

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Summary: Gingerbrave was finally able to go home and enjoy his evening after a long day of getting the Cookie kingdom ready for the holidays. Only to think about his brother, Dozer.

The holidays is meant to be about happiness and spending time with friends and family. Making memories that will last forever. Sounds like a piece of cake right? In gingerbrave's case, that means getting the Cookie Kingdom ready for the season which is a whole other thing.

It's the Cookie Kingdom's first ever Christmas and everything had to be just right; managing an entire kingdom is not a easy job sometimes. Needless to say, there is a long list of what needs to be done and poor gingerbrave is just stressed, overworked, and just mentally exhausted. Strawberry Cookie, Wizard Cookie, Custard Cookie III, and even Chili Pepper at times have been a great help but that's not the point. Today was one of those days Gingerbrave just wished that he was in his bed, he had to make sure that the toy shop is stocked and ready for the holiday rush and get an update from the sugar gnomes about the decorations. As much as he didn't want to do it, it had to be done which mean putting a smile for the other cookies.

Fast Forward...

It was the end of the day and Gingerbrave was already quick to say goodbye and started to make his way back to his home. Normally he would stick around chat with his friends, but lately he has been more and more distant. "Is it just me something wrong with Gingerbrave?" Strawberry asked. "Yes I did noticed that Gingerbrave has been...what's the word? oh yeah, distant. It does quite concern me." Wizard Cookie replied.  "Yeah, this is not like the kid at all. I know I'm gonna hate myself for saying this, but I wonder why." Chili Pepper said. "I think I know why." Then strawberry began bringing up Dozer, Gingerbrave's dead brother and he may be missing him. That what was when they decided to come up with a plan.

Meanwhile with Gingerbrave...

Gingerbrave was sitting on his chair and looking out of his window only to see other little cookies being with their families and siblings being happy. This only made Gingerbrave sad and think about Dozer even more. "Hey Dozer, it's me. I hope you're doing well cause I'm not, I been thinking of you a lot more especially during this time of year. I just wish you were here to celebrate with me and my friends." Gingerbrave said as if he was talking to his brother in person. He then got up and looked towards his christmas tree where he noticed a scarlet present with a skull bow on it that was under the tree.

"What is this doing here? It wasn't there before." Gingerbrave went to grab the present to investigate it; based on the looks of it, it must've came from one of the dark side cookies. He didn't really understand why would an enemy would give him a present. Well, they may be evil and cruel but not monsters for sure. That was when Gingerbrave noticed a small note hidden behind the bow so he grabbed it and read it.

"Hello Gingerbrave,

I know that for a fact we're enimies and all, but I'm putting our differences aside just for the holidays. Anyways, I been hearing that you have been down lately so I hope that the item in this box will make your days a little brighter. Oh and Chiffon wishes you the same as well.


Red Velvet Cookie"

Gingerbrave opened the present to reveal Dozer nightcap in the box. How did he manage to find it? How long did he have it for? That doesn't matter he had to find a way to thank Red Velvet. He was so lost in thought that he didn't hear the knock on the door till it was heard the second time. Gingerbrave opened the door to reveal Strawberry Cookie.

"Hey Strawberry Cookie, what's up?"

"Gingerbrave! I'm not doing much, what do you got there?"

"You won't believe this, Red Velvet Cookie somehow managed to leave a present. It's Dozer's nightcap, I was just about to look for him to thank him."

"Actually, that won't be necessary. There's uhm....just come with me."

Gingerbrave quickly put on his scarf and followed his friend until he found himself in an open field with a table full of food and treats; and of course all the cookies in the Cookie Kingdom. "What is all this about?" Gingerbrave asked. "Well earlier myself, Wizard Cookie, Custard Cookie, and Chili Pepper Cookie noticed that you have been down so we all stepped in and came toghter to hopefully to make you happy." Strawberry replied and it definitely worked. He greeted all the cookies that live in the kingdom and thank Red Velvet for the gift. "Merry Christmas Dozer wish you were here." Gingerbrave said as he looked down on the nightcap and went to join the party. Realizing that all the cookies in the kingdom are like his family.

Thank you EchoCupid for your request. Hope you enjoyed day 2 of 25. Feel free to leave requests in the comments and I'll see you in the next one. Bye!!!!👋👋

25 Days of Cookie Run HolidaysWhere stories live. Discover now