Day 15: Cookie Decorating?

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Summary:Everyone who has played CRK remembers Dark Choco Cookies coustume more specifically the one at Christmas time? Basically the same thing, but Dark Cacao is the victim in this story.

It was a typical day in the Vanilla Kingdom and the ancients decided that it will be a good idea too do a little trick on Dark Cacao...well mainly it was Hollyberry's and Golden Cheese's idea; they were bored.

Pure Vanilla and White Lily were chatting in the white lily greenhouse when they noticed Golden Cheese and Hollyberry each carrying a box in the hallway. "What's with the box?" Lily asked. "For your information, this is a box of holiday decorations." Cheese replied. "We're using these too do a little trick on Dark Cacao. Feel like he needs too get into the spirit." Holly added. That is true though, Dark Cacao hasn't always been fond of the season but he would still celebrate it. The four agreed that they should keep quiet about this.

The four had then discussed how they will roll it out; agreeing that they will make their move when Dark Cacao is asleep for the night. They were all saying at the castle for the night so it worked in their favor.


Dark Cacao was getting ready for bed reading a book in bed. Who knew that he could be a little bookworm. Little did he know was that Holly was keeping a close eye on him making sure that he would be asleep which felt like forever. Cacao feel asleep about 20 minutes Later and it was time to execute the plan.

"Okay so our plan in case anyone forgot, is that we decorate Cacao like he's a Christmas tree." Holly said and explained each cookies part. White Lily would put a spell to put Cacao in a deep sleep as he can be a light sleeper. Pure Vanilla making sure that he doesn't break through the spell and the once that was cleared they all step in with decorating. "Let's just hope that this doesn't upset. You know how he gets." Lily said. "I'm pretty sure that won't happen. Especially since it just a harmless prank." Cheese replied.

The four the quietly entered the room where Cacao was sleeping in and went right to work. Lily with her deep sleep spell and everyone else monitoring and waiting for the all clear from Vanilla. Once that was set, the real fun began. The four did exchange some quiet snickers. "Can't wait too see his reaction." Cheese whispered. Once they finished they bolted out of there as quickly as they can.

The next morning...

"GOLDEN CHEESE HOLLYBERRY I KNOW ALL OF THIS WAS YOUR DOING." Cacao yelled and laughing can be heard from the two cookies. It was early in the morning so you can bet that the whole kingdom heard it. "Should we tell him that we were involved in it as well?" Lily asked. "We can both agree that it's for the best that we not tell him, but we should go before he ends up killing each other."

Yes I know that I was behind and Day 15 was supposed to up yesterday (Dec 15th) , my sis had a performance during a basketball game so I came home pretty exhausted. Don't worry, I'm catching up and made it up today. Sorry for the inconvenience. Anyway see you in Day 16 bye 👋

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