Day 25: A Consul's Christmas Carol Part 2

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Summary: Clotted Cream Cookie gets visited by spirits, Christmas past, present, and future. Will he have a change of heart or remain the same?

It was about midnight when Clotted Cream suddenly woke up but for whatever reason it felt different like he was in a dream of some sorts. He was in still in his bedroom and wearing his pajamas sot that's normal, then there was a sudden glow coming from the end of his bed. "Clotted Cream Cookie" The spirit whispered his name repeatedly. "Who are you? Why are you here? What do you want from me? Show yourself." Clotted Cream demanded and then the spirit revealed himself. A ghost like cookie appeared at the end of the consul's bed with torn clothing, messy hair, and heavy metal chains wrapped around his entire body. Clotted was about ask for its name when the ghost cookie shushed him. "My name is not important, I'am here too tell you that you have lost your christmas spirit Clotted Cream Cookie. You will be visited by three cookie spirits tonight, Christmas Past, Present, and Future. By the end of the night you will decide to either chnage your ways or continue on the path you're on right now. I trust you that you would make a wise decision and not end up like me Clotted Cream Cookie." The ghost spirit said before disappearing into thin air. The consul brushed it off and went back too sleep only for someone to hit him with a roll of wrapping paper.

"Ouch!" Clotted yelped. He looked around the room once more to find one of the cookie spirits that the ghost cookie had mentioned. For whatever reason the spirit was an exact look a like to Financier, but its different clothing and glowing a bright yellow light.

"Financier Cookie?! What are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry who is this Financier Cookie you speak of? I am the ghost of christmas past and we're going to look into your past in order to help you." The spirit said.

"I don't see how you can possibly do that." Clotted said.

"You'll see, take my hand." The spirit said. Clotted Cream hesitated for a bit but reached out for her hand and the two cookies were transported to a place the consul was very familiar with. "Do you reconize this place?" Asked the past spirit. "I recognize this place very well, this was my childhood home and over there is me when I was a young cookie with my mother. I was her little helper when it comes too baking treats and putting up decorations. Those were the days." Clotted cream explained. "I see, do you recall anything that may have changed?"  "Yes actually, I was taken by my father just days before Christmas in order for me to work to become the future of the Cremé Republic. Never saw my mother again." Clotted Cream replied. The two cookies thrn teleported to yet another familiar place, House Custard. They have both watched the scene unfold; Custard Cookie barking at his son saying that they don't have time to celebrate Christmas and should be focusing on his studies which only sadden the young cookie, he couldn't help looking out the window seeing other cookies spending time with their families and he felt terrible. Clotted Cream couldn't watch it any longer and asked the spirit to take him home and she did.

"I hope this experience makes you think about your decision. My friend, Present will be visiting you next." Past said. Right when Clotted cream was gonna say somthing she was already gone. He has many questions to ask, guessed it didn't matter anymore and tried to get some sleep. That was when he was awoken once more by another ghost spirit. Clotted took one good look at the cookie. "Is it me or does this cookie looks very similar to Queen Hollyberry Cookie's bodyguard, Wildberry Cookie?" Clotted asked himself. The present spirit did had similarities to Wildberry Cookie but instead of the braid, his hair was loose and was wearing a robe.  "You must be Clotted Cream Cookie past has been telling me about. I'm the ghost of Christmas present and I'm here too help. Please come with me." Present said and the consul followed along with him. They were teleported back all the events that occured earlier today. "This...this was today, everything that had happened today." "Indeed it is, you took your anger out on your friend and all your fellow elders heard everything. Not a good look on you if I say so myself." Present said as they watch the scene unfolding till Financier ran out of the manor. "I must apologize to her in person, she didn't deserve none of that." "I wouldn't do that, she can't hear or see us. I think we had seen enough." Present then sent them back home.  "I hope that this gets you to think about your actions. I must go, but Future will be visiting you last." Present then disappeared.

"Okay I should really try to get as much sleep as I could before Future shows up." Clotted covered himself with his blanket went too sleep which only he had about 5 minutes of it. Suddenly he heard the door creaked open a little but, he was the only one who was home. He turned around only for him to flinch at the sight of a hooded cookie with a tiny speck of hair sticking out; it was white with some brown specks like Crunchy Chip Cookie's, but he didn't have his wolf with him. "You must be the ghost of Christmas future?" Clotted wondered. Future silently nodded and then guestured Clotted Cream to join him and he did and were teleported to the future. Clotted Cream was shakened by the outcome of the future as he sees himself ejected out of office, all the citizens lost all respect for him resulting in him becoming an outcast, and Financier the once loyal  former bodyguard is now selfish and doesn't even visits the orphans anymore. "This will be your future if you were to continue down this path." "No this...this can't be. There has to be another way." "I wish there was, but now its time for you too decide." Future replied. The consul thought about this for a while, but quickly came too a conclusion. "I know what I must do. Take me home please." The two cookie made they're way back to his room and future was gone shortly after. The consul went back to sleep reapeating the same phrase he said earlier.

Clotted Cream suddenly shot up and was wide awake with cold sweat dripping down his head, he was definitely in a dream. Then he remembered everything that happend in the dream and he knew what had to be done.

Christmas Morning...

Financier was at the front door of House Custard with a present for Clotted Cream, but still upset about the events from last night. She was surprised to see the manor all decorated on the outside, but is it on the inside? There was only one way to find out so Financier knocked on the door, but nobody answered. Just as she was about to leave the gift on his doorstep, the door opened. "Financier Cookie, I was just expecting you. Please come in." Clotted cream said, but she was hesitent. Didn't he fired her just last night? Why is he inviting her in? Financier took a moment too look at all the Christmas decorations that just magically appeared overnight somehow, now she's just confused. "Look sir, I don't want any trouble. I'm really just here to drop off your gift and then we'll never have to see eachother again." "No please, stay here for a while. I actually want to tell you something. My behavior at the party last night wasn't the best. I never should've taken my anger out on you and you were right, I was being a scrooge, I'm sorry. Hence the reason why I want too offer you your job back, but I understand if you choose not too." Financier was shocked to say the least of course she gladly accepted the offer, but reminded him that she wasn't the only one who he owed an apology too. "What made you have a change of heart overnight?" "Well let's just say that three spirits visited me and helped me out." Clotted replied. She was glad the he was back to his old self.

"Merry Christmas Clotted Cream Cookie."

"Merry Christmas Financier Cookie."

And with that, this concludes 25 days of Cookie Run Holidays for Christmas 2023. Thank you so much for all the love and support and I hope that I would be able to do this again for next christmas. Until then read all my other stories. I will be taking the rest of 2023 off so I wish you all a Merry Chritsmas and a happy new year. until next time bye!!!!!👋👋👋👋

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