1. rich girl wannabe

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Rich Girl Wannabe

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Rich Girl Wannabe

"Yes daddy, I understand that I need to get the money." I sigh into the phone. "But I'm only seventeen and no one's wanting to hire me."

She doesn't add the part where the reason that no one is hiring her is because of him.

"You're smart kid, figure it out." With that the phone hangs up and Emily is left alone.

All she's ever wanted was for her father to see her as his own.

Ever since her mother went to rehab, the state sent her to live with her dad. A man that was known to be at the bar more than home ever since he lost his company. A penniless drunk that had no care in the world anymore.

Now- he's in jail for the next two year unless she can get bail money.

"Emilia!" Kiara Carrera yells, walking over to her. "You wanna hang out with us for a little bit? Get your mind off everything, y'know."

"I can't Kie, I have to look for a job. I'm determined to get this money." She sighs, putting her phone back into her purse.

"Emily you can't waste your whole summer on your dad." The girl puts an arm around her and pulls Emily closer to her as they walk.

Kiara and her group of Pogues have been the only people that have really excepted Emily into the chaotic world of Outerbanks.

They greeted her with open arms and the assortment of trouble that came with them.

"I really can't." The blonde sighs, looking around as they walk.

It's only been six months since she's moved to the island- three months since her dad went to jail- and not everyone was so welcoming.

The rich kids, Kooks as JJ tells her to call them,  noticed the new girl on the island as soon as she stepped foot, and when they realized she wasn't of money- Emily was judged by each and every one of them.

"Please come with us. It'll be so boring without you." Kiara pouts, pleading with the girl. "Plus JJ snagged some beer for us."

At the mention of alcohol the girl perks up.

Most children of addicts don't even look at the addiction substance in hand. Others, Emily included, also turn to it.

That's the main reason why Emily stays supporting her father. She understands needing a habit to distract from a stress and guilt ridden life.

Bad Idea Right? |Rafe Cameron|Where stories live. Discover now