Chapter Nine: Nightmares of Past

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Charlotte watched as they lowered the coffin into the ground. Sobs came from Felicity's family as Charlotte watched them. Chrissy, her mum, stood shielding Felicity's 6 year old brother, Braxton, from the view. Her youngest sister Leiarna stood sobbing into her Felicity's other sister Adeline. Adeline stood holding onto her younger sister protectively. One could tell that she had been crying but was holding it together for the 6 year old and 12 year old. Felicity's two older brothers Hayden and Dallin stood behind their sisters. Dallin had one hand on Leiarna's shaking shoulder. Nikki and Alex stood next to Simons as Alex pulled Nikki closer in an embrace. It had seemed like all of Brighton had come to witness the funeral of Charlotte's best friend. All except Charlotte's own father. Death by ghost touch was common amongst their occupation and several of the agents who had previously worked with Simons & Co now lay to rest in that same cemetery. Felicity's dad stood with his family trying to hold it together. Charlotte had to look away as the coffin hit the bottom of the grave that had been dug out. As the grave was filled back in and the dirt was shovelled on top, Dallin let go of Leiarna's shoulder and stepped away. Charlotte stayed, her heart heavy in her chest as she realized she would never get to say goodbye to her friend. Her Felicity. As Felicity's father got up to give the eulogy, Charlotte couldn't stand it anymore. She turned and ran from the cemetery. From the fresh grave that held her best friend. She couldn't bring herself to stay. It was her fault that she was now being lowered into the grave. She wasn't fast enough. Wasn't good enough. As Felicity was running, her foot caught on a concealed grave stone, causing her to trip and fall face first into a grave. Charlotte groaned as she pushed herself up. As she pushed herself up she realised that she was no longer in the cemetery. She was now in her house with her drunk father. He stood above the girl, a half empty bottle of booze in his hands.

"YOU'RE A MURDERER!" He shouted at her, throwing the bottle at the wall above her. The bottle shattered on impact and glass rained down on the girl. She covered her head with her hands to protect herself from the glass and alcohol rain. "YOU KILLED MY WIFE AND NOW IM GOING TO KILL YOU!"

Charlotte loooked up to see her father standing in front of her. Charlotte let out a terrified yelp, her father's footsteps pounding as he advanced towards her. She scrambled to her feet and ran out of the room, her father close behind. Charlotte knew she had to find away to escape, and fast. Her hands were bleeding and stinging from the cuts of glass and the alcohol that was sterilizing them at the same time. She looked back to see her father closer. She ran outside, pulling the door shut behind her hoping it would slow him down. She ran through the garden and started climbing the big willow tree in the backyard. Charlotte pulled herself up branch after branch. She heard her father yelling out for her but she hid away in the wispy leaves of the tree far away. She heard the back door slam shut and climbed down from the tree. As she jumped down from the last branch she landed somewhere different this time.

This time she had landed in the Sheen Road house. The building was on fire and Lockwood was laying on the floor unconscious. Charlotte quickly fell to her knees and tried shaking the boy awake. When he didn't wake, Charlotte slapped him. He still did not wake up. It was then that she saw that his shirt had been ripped and she could see the growing ghost touch wound spreading across his chest. Tears came to her eyes and she leaned forward and put her head on his silent chest. As she lay there sobbing over the fact that she had killed her boss, she heard whispering in the back of her head. Her head shot up to see three ghosts standing in front of her. She recognised two of them from knowing them herself and the third was only familiar from photos. Lockwood and Felicity stood next to her mother. Charlotte started scrambling backwards away from them, reaching for her rapier. Her hand reached nothing and her back hit the wall.

"You killed me." Felicity.

"No, minion. I didn't mean to I swear. I was trying to go fast.

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