Stardust Crusaders React: Reader's Stand is Overpowered Nightmare Fuel

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It wasn't looking good. An enemy Stand user had managed to corner nearly the entire group minus Jotaro and Iggy. You really wished they were here right now. You were the only one standing at the moment. The others lay on the ground paralyzed due to the enemy's Stand's ability. Anytime another Stand user tried to attack him, both they and their Stand would end up as a helpless heap on the ground. You were the only one that hadn't revealed your Stand yet... and you were hesitant to do so.

You haven't used Overkill in a very long time and for good reason. If you summoned it, and used it against the enemy, it would no doubt take out not only the Stand user, but the other Crusaders, yourself, and half of the town. For most of the trip, you'd managed to do just fine without it. You really, really didn't want to have to summon it unless you absolutely had to.

The enemy suddenly turned to you.

"You there," he said. "What exactly are you waiting for? All the others have revealed their Stands to me and I would very much like to see yours. I'm a bit of a collector, you see. Got a photographic memory, I do. My favorite thing in the world is to commit to memory my enemy's Stand's appearance and abilities right before I send them to Hell. So come now, don't just stand there looking all scared and useless. Let's see that Stand of yours. If its user is any indication, I'll bet its positively adorable!"

"I–I can't!" you stammered.

"Why are you hesitating!?" Polnareff gasped from where he lay injured in the dirt. "Can't you see we're in trouble over here? Just reveal your Stand and kick his ass already!"

"No, don't!" Joseph's shout was slightly muffled from the fact that he was lying face down in the dirt. "If you attack him you'll just end up like us! You've got to get away from here! Go find Jotaro and tell him what's happening!"

The enemy scoffed at the old man.

"I don't think so," he said. "No one's going anywhere."

He gave his Stand a nod and it sauntered over to where Avdol lay, struggling to break out of the paralyzed state he was in. He stopped struggling when the Stand placed its foot on top of his throat. It applied a little pressure to his throat, causing the Egyptian man to sputter and cough and then glare over at the Stand's user.

"Stop it!" Kakyoin shouted. "You're going to kill him!"

The enemy sneered.

"That's the idea, you little waste of space." he said, giving the red head a vicious kick in the side.

Kakyoin yelped. as one of his ribs cracked.

"Stop!" you shouted.

"Now then," the enemy began. "For every moment you hesitate, I'll kill one of your friends. I was going to kill you all anyway, but at the very least you could die knowing that the death of your friends wasn't all your fault. So, for the last time, REVEAL YOUR FUCKING STAND!!!"

You flinched as he bellowed out the last part. You wanted to protest, but poor Avdol's face was starting to turn blue.

"Fine." you said at last. "But just remember, you asked for this."

And with that you summoned your Stand.

Within moments of Overkill coming into existence, the sky went black and the normally blazing sun dimmed and took on a strange, gray color. You watched as Overkill's monstrous form took shape, towering over everything within a hundred miles. It stood on four long legs attached to huge, stomping hooves. Its hunched body was lined with glaring eyes and snapping mouths. The head, if you could call it that, was little more than a mass of writhing tentacles.

All around your Stand, chaotic events took place. The fountain in the middle of town began spewing blood. A little old lady morphed into some kind of creature and began rampaging through the streets. A group of thugs suddenly found that they had sprouted wings and took flight against their will. They screamed as they were pulled into the sky, forced into a flight formation like a flock of birds.

You glared at the enemy, despising the fact that he'd pushed you this far. He was staring up at your Stand looking like he was having several crises at once.

"This is Overkill," you introduced.

Your Stand let out a low bellowing roar as if in greeting.

"Well you've seen my Stand. Are you satisfied or do you need more time to commit it to memory?" you mocked him.

"In DIO's name!" he cried, finally finding his voice.

"So do you still want this fight?" you asked.

The enemy looked at you, horrified.

"My Lord said nothing about this! It was assumed that you didn't even have a Stand! I was just testing that theory! I didn't... I never realized.... I-I-I have to report this!!"

The enemy turned on his heel and ran face first into Star Platinum's fist.

Jotaro had seen the massive abomination of a Stand from the marketplace. He was hoping to grab some oranges for a snack for later, but that was before all the food in the stalls started screaming and pleading for him not to eat them. That's when the sky darkened and he looked up to see the monster towering overhead. Suspecting an enemy was attacking the rest of the group, he ran to investigate, leaving Iggy to cower under one of the stalls. The canine wanted NO part of THAT THING!!

Jotaro had assumed that the monster Stand belonged to the enemy, but now that he sent the bastard to dreamland he realized that wasn't the case. And since he knew what everyone else's Stands looked like, that meant that it could only belong to one other person.

He looked over at you, stunned.

You gave him a sheepish, uncomfortable look in response and dismissed Overkill. Once the Stand was no longer present, everything returned to normal as if nothing had ever been amiss. Even the flying thugs had been returned to the ground and they went about their day as if nothing had happened. Not a soul remembered the insanity that transpired only moments ago. Fortunately no one was killed, but the looks your friends were giving you bothered you.

Were they afraid of you now?

They were all looking at you as if trying to figure out what part of your soul or psyche caused you to have a Stand like THAT.

You averted your gaze, unable to take the shocked, questioning looks they gave you.

"I, um... I have some issues..." you mumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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