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The sun was going to dip below the horizon soon, Feyre and you had ventured deeper into the woods. The air was crisp, carrying the scent of pine and damp earth. Your footsteps were muffled by a layer of fallen snow as you continued tracking a deer, the first one you'd seen in a while. Winter had made game scarce and you weren't about to go home empty handed. Not when you were so hungry.

Feyre's bow was securely clutched in her hands, an arrow nocked while you had two daggers clutched in yours. Moving quietly and swiftly knowing there was a good chance you weren't the only ones out here. Even though there was a treaty made between the humans and fae, neither of you were allowed to go over the other's side of the wall, the fae still did.

And right now you both knew how dangerously close you were to their side of the wall.

Suddenly, the doe you were following came to a stop in a clearing. Drinking from a puddle of snow that had surely melted only hours ago. Feyre and you stopped, both standing behind tall thick trees that were only a couple feet apart. Waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Then a branch snapped and the doe snapped its head up in the direction it came from. Neither one of you moved, tense minutes passed and the deer went back to drinking. Your gazes locked, sharing a moment of silent understanding. Feyre nodded, lifting her bow, re-nocking the arrow. Her blue-grey eyes gleaming with starving determination, while you shifted your grip on your ash wood hilted daggers.

The both of you take a small breath, Feyre preparing to let her arrow fly true and you now pinching the bladed tips of your daggers. You felt your sister's eyes on you and you gave a small nod and she let her arrow find its home in the doe's throat. And it fell, you hated the next part, always had but it had to be done.

Readying your daggers to finally cease the doe's movements, knowing they would hit their mark but just before you let them go, you hesitated. Feeling someone—no not someone—something watching you. There on the other side of the clearing you could barely make out its form, but golden eyes meet yours. Feyre following your line of sight.

Then it was moving on large silent paws, a massive wolf stared at you. Feyre nocked her bow once again with the single ash wood arrow she had. This wolf couldn't just be a normal wolf, it had to be fae by the sheer size of it alone. Hearing your sister's bow drawn taut you lift your hand again, stopping her, cocking your head to the side sizing up the wolf, to your surprise it matched your movement.

With hearts pounding in sync, your heard Feyre steady her breath, readying her arrow to find its home in the wolf. Subconsciously mirroring your sister you readjusted your hold on your daggers. Time seemed to slow as the wolf and you locked eyes, the forest around you fading into the background.

In one swift motion, Feyre pulled back the bowstring before letting go, her muscles taut with anticipation as it cut through the crisp air. You lunged forward, your dagger glinting in the fading light. The wolf lunged as well, teeth bared, its growls reverberating through your bones. But Feyre's arrow found its mark, piercing the creature's side. Your dagger followed suit, slashing through the air with precision. Finding its mark in its throat.

The wolf yelped in pain, its powerful limbs faltering. Feyre and you stood your ground, eyes locked on the wounded wolf. You had faced countless challenges together, but this was a moment that would forever bind you as sisters, and you didn't even know it.

And as the wolf's final breaths were escaping its jaws, you took slow steps toward it, until you could kneel in front of it. Its gaze locked with yours and it almost looked relieved. Lifting your hand towards the side of its large head, "Don't" Feyre breathed.

"It's okay." You whispered more for the wolf than your sister, your hand pressed against the soft fur. Repeating yourself again, "it's okay." as you petted the side of its face. You knew for certain it was fae and without knowing why, you wanted to comfort them as much as you could in these last moments. "You won't leave this world alone." You rasped out low enough so Feyre wouldn't hear you, you weren't sure if the wolf did either until it pressed its head further into your palm.

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