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The next morning Feyre and you made your way to the village square, the trampled snow coating the road into our village was speckled brown and black from horses and passing carts. Elain and Nesta clicked their tongues and complained under their breaths as you all trudged along. Causing both Feyre and you to roll your eyes. They only came in hopes of spending the money you'd get from the wolf's fur and deer hide.

Elain let out a noise of disgust, making you look over your shoulder at her. She'd stepped in mud. . . well at least it looked like mud. Nesta's face was drawn in a grimace at her side, her eyes locked on Elain's filthy boot.

"You know you didn't have to come." You direct at both of them, now a couple steps ahead of them.

Nesta spoke for both of them—like always—"As if." She scoffed, her eyes flitted between the back of your head and Elain's boot.

"Feyre! Y/n! Help me!" Elain's whine making Feyre and you stop.

Looking at each other before huffing out simultaneous breaths of annoyance. It was market day, which meant you might get a fair amount of coin for the pelts and here you are wasting time because Elain stepped in mud.

Feyre turned around and walked a couple steps forward to where Nesta and Elain were, crossing her arms across her chest as she stood before Elain. You remained where you stood a couple feet away. "What, Elain?"

She shook her filthy boot in front of her, "Clean it!"

"No." Feyre turned back around, joining you where you were just watching your sisters unamused.

"Y/n, you help her." Nesta insisted, now helping Elain to remain steady while standing on one foot.

"Hell no."

You nudged Feyre, the both of you turning back around to continue making your way to the village square. Only making it a couple steps before Nesta spoke again, "Y/n—".

But you cut her off before she could keep going, yelling over your shoulder, "Either keep up or go back home, your choice!"

Finally making it to the village square, Feyre and you stood looking around, assessing.

The cobbler and clothier you usually went to, locked eyes with both of you across the square from their separate stands. Then at the same time you both noticed a woman, a mercenary, to be exact. With eyes still on her, you leaned your head closer to Feyre, "She'd probably give us more coin than—"

"What are you two waiting for?" Nesta questioned, cutting you off. Elain and her now stood on either side of Feyre and you.

Feyre opened her mouth to tell them what you had suggested but quickly shut it as she was cut off.

"May thee immortal light shine upon thee sisters," said the pale-robbed younger woman who was now standing directly in front of us.

Nesta and Elain clicked their tongues; Feyre and you stifled groans. Perfect. This is exactly what you need, the children of the blessed in town on market day, distracting and riling everyone up. So you did the only sensible thing, you grabbed Feyre's arm pulling her along as you made your way past the woman, towards the mercenary, leaving the acolyte to argue with Nesta and Elain by her side. Not my problem—not right now.

Which is why you nodded at Elain before walking away, "We'll meet you here in a hour." You didn't give her a chance to respond before the two of you slipped away into the crowded square.

You approached the mercenary, the weapons on her—gleaming and wicked—were enough to make you stop two feet in front of her.

"I don't barter goods for my services," she said, her voice clipped with an accent you'd never heard before. "I only accept coin."

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