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Sirius and Narcissa were seen entering the Godric's Hallow with Harry. They made a beeline towards the basement. Sirius did a wordless magic and a blast of light was seen, the empty basement now held a Coffin in the middle of it.

The great hall gasped, "Brother seems like you have been practicing" Regulus said.

Everyone was impressed at the display of magic. Even McGonagall gave herself an impressive nod.

"Why are we starting with him?" Narcissa said in distaste. Harry looked at her confused. "Cause we need his help to find Crystal" Sirius said not paying her any mind and opening the Coffin by blasting it with another wordless magic.

James opened his eyes and drew in a sharp breath. He coughed hard after not breathing for 13 years.

Euphemia burst into tears seeing her son like that as Monty comforted her along with Doria.

"Where is my wife?" James asked the first thing as Sirius looked at him glumly but Narcissa scoffed and said-"You remembered her pretty soon Lord Potter"

"I asked where the hell is my wife!??" James thundered as Harry flinched at his loud voice.

"Ask your lover!" Sirius rolled his eyes and spat the words as if it was posion on his tongue. "Lily?" James questioned.

Crystal raised her brows at that as the few looked at the Gryffindor boy bewildered.

"That fucking bitch!! Yes!! Lily!!" Sirius yelled holding James by collar. "You better find her before I do cause then there won't be anything left from her!" Sirius said as Harry stood agitated.

"I just want to find my wife! What has Lily got to do with this!?" James questioned. "Lily is the motherfucking bitch that has your wife! Her or Dumbledore! I'm not sure!!"

As Sirius moved away James saw his son, "H-Harry?" James stuttered seeing his boy so grown up. "How many years had it been?"

"13.. since you were thrown here" Narcissa said plainly. James hugged his son who melted into his embrace.

"Enough with the reunion! We still have to find our Lady!" Narcissa said as she stood like a goddess.

"Our Lady?" Many questioned as Crystal smirked.

James and Sirius were seen joining Remus who barely glanced at him. They were seen walking into the Winzegamot with nothing but power as the Malfoy's joined them.

"What are you doing at a trial!?" Lucius asked confused. "Why you blonde bleached man? She can be better at Politics then you!" Crystal said as Lucius fumed in anger. "My name is Lucius!" He sneered.

Stefan barely held in his snort as Crystal hummed in distaste.

Dumbledore paled seeing them entering the room and his hands shook as James glared at him.

"You messed with the wrong man Dumblewhore!" James sneered at him walking away as everyone gasped seeing him alive

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"You messed with the wrong man Dumblewhore!" James sneered at him walking away as everyone gasped seeing him alive. Lord Greengrass shared a look with Lady Zabini.

"Merry meet Wizards and Witches! Literally!" James said as Sirius and Remus sat alongside. "James my boy" Dumbledore said as James cut him off and said-"I'm not more your student! It's Lord Potter!"

Everyone was left stunned seeing him act so maturely. Even so his parents were left shocked.

"A convicted murderer and a werewolf are sitting between us Lord. Much precisely you." Dumbledore said as Sirius let out a mocking chuckle. His eyes haunting but still terrifying glared at The headmaster.

"Scared Albus? That your dirty secret is just known by me?" Sirius said as everyone looked stunned except Narcissa. "What do you want Lord Potter?" Fudge asked scared out of his mind.

"An open trial! Minister." James said as he drew out his wand and said the spell-"Souviens Tou"

A flash of purple hue flew from his wand and flashed at everyone throughout the Great Britain. The Magic of Lord Potter and Lord Leroy both added to James magic which made him stronger than any other Wizard to exist.

 The Magic of Lord Potter and Lord Leroy both added to James magic which made him stronger than any other Wizard to exist

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Everyone was in awe of the power as they felt goosebumps rise.

Fudge shuddered in the horror of remembering who Crystal was felt himself go Pale.

"Let the hearing begin!" James said mockingly as Remus took over the situation in style and no one dared to comment anything. "I'll be getting straight to the point.. Dumbledore made up a fake prophecy and spread the rumors about it in the circle of both Voldemort and his Order. The Prophecy of the apparent saviour and all bull shit. In reality, he wanted the elder wand which in reality is a Potter heriloom and the Resuruction stone which.. is a Leroy Heirloom. He knew his plans won't work untill and unless Crystal Potter ne' Leroy was alive and breathing." Dumbledore gripped his wand tightly as whispers broke out.

"He did what?" Dorea said in a dead serious voice which scared everyone in the great hall.

Dumbledore gripped his wand tightly as his heart almost leaped seeing Crystal glaring at his soul. "Did he just fucking say a fucking Resuruction stone!??" Barty yelled as Crystal huffed annoyed that her family heirloom got misused.

"Dumbledore send his trusty women Lily Evans. The muggleborn witch." Remus said as James felt his heart ache.

"Lily was asked to.. (looking angrily at James) distract James. Dumbledore struck and captured a disarmed Crystal and they took her captive casting a spell that erased her from each of our memories! And another sleeping spell to James Potter. He got hold of the both the stone and the wand which do not belong to him! Everyone forgot the name Crystal Potter except the supposed convicted murderer cause of Crystal herself. In reality, Dumbledore framed him when there was no Fiddelius Charm to begin with. Peter Pettigrew was the one who killed the 10 muggles not Lord Black." Remus said as Dumbledore gripped his wand before casting an apparation spell but Sirius fired a spell even before he could blink.

As Sirius points his wand at a stunned Dumbledore, James picks up the elder wand saying-"I'll be taking this.. "

The trio stood side by side with Sirius in the middle looking hot and badass.

The great hall cheered seeing the badass group whereas Stefan commented-"I swear to god if there is even one hair Missing from her skull then I'll drain you two dry!!" Stefan hissed at Lily and Dumbledore showing off his fangs.

Lily let out an ear chilling shriek as Crystal rolled her eyes annoyed at the dumb red haired bitch.

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