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James, Sirius, Remus and Narcissa along with Lucius, Draco and the golden trio.

"I don't understand where have they kept Our lady!" Narcissa hissed as they sat inside her study.

"Dumbledore isn't Willing to reveal her whereabouts or he doesn't actually know! He might know who has her" Remus said

"Remus is definitely the brains of the group!" Regulus said giving an impressed nod to the werewolf who nodded back.

"We need to find out where Lily is! Believe it or not it's her! I have a strong intuition.." Sirius said taking a puff of cigarette as he gazed at the others.

"Does anyone know her old muggle village?" Remus asked remembering a memory of Lily telling him she was going to sell it off but he had a hunch she might have lied.

"I do.. why?" James said as Sirius scoffed mumbling-"Ofcourse you do"

They apparated to the village of Lily's ancestral home. Leaving behind the kids in care of Lucius.

The village was still bustling, they walked towards the Lily's home. Remus knocked on the door as they stopped before Sirius just blasted the door.

Lily's shriek fell on there ears as she was seen grabbing her wand when Narcissa disarmed her easily.

"If I lost a dual with her then seriously! Shame on myself" Crystal said seeing her poor dual skills as Lily went red in shame.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up? Seriously! You're getting on my nerves!" Marlene said glaring at her as Alice looked startled at her friend.

"And who the fuck are you!?" Crystal asked looking boredly at the woman as she stopped Harry from hexing her.

"Marlene.. Lily's bestfriend"

"Oh well bitch good for you that that's all you are!" Crystal said ignoring her as she looked back at the screen unbothered, Marlene scoffed as the others snorted.

"Where the fuck is my wife!???" James said barging in as he looked angrily at the red head.

"I-I d-don't know!! And what do you mean by your wife? I'm your wife James!" Lily said as she tried to come closer but James held his wand pointed at her.

"Let's do this one more time.. where is Crystal, My wife!" He said as Lily paled at his dark tone.

"Dumbledore has her!!!" Lily said as Narcissa scoffed and clutched her jaw in her hands and made her drink the truth serum.

"Where is Crystal Leroy?"

"She is at Dumbledore's mansion!! Trapped inside a real crystal to trap herself and her magic both so that no one remembers her!!" Lily said making the other's blood boil

"What. Did. You. Say?" James said as his eyes darkened, "Narcissa? Would you do me a favour and take care of her while I go get my wife? Oh yeah and take care of her your way.. " James said as Narcissa smirked as she first slapped Lily on the face.

"This is gonna be so satisfying" Cissa smirked.

Draco and Blaise whistled for Cissa. "James you can't do this to me!! That death eater will kill me!!" Lily said in a begging tone as she played her role of acting like the perfect damsel in distress.

"Well for all I care Lily, why did you helped Dumblewhore when you knew he kept Crystal away!!? Why am I even talking to you" he said as he looked away as Sirius smirked in triumph.

"That's where your love died Potter? Just cause you get a more beautiful woman? You are just like other boys" Marlene sneered at him, "Fuck You Marlene.. weren't you the one who came upto James when you were dating Dorcas?" Remus shoted right back at her as Marls eyes widened.

"She what!?" Dorcas yelled at her as she glared at her girlfriend. "Babe hear me out"

"Save it."  Dorcas said as Barty and Reggy comforted there friend.

"I love drama" she said giggling to Stefan who just sighed as his head ached at the high school teen drama, momentarily reminding this off Damon. Oh how much he would have loved this..

James and Sirius entered the Dumbledore manor as they moved around the place trying to find a crystal looking thing or something familiar. But they froze when they came to the garden.

"Fucking bitch!!" Sirius cursed as James used his magic to float himself in air and moved to the statue as he traced the face of his wife

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"Fucking bitch!!" Sirius cursed as James used his magic to float himself in air and moved to the statue as he traced the face of his wife. His eyes tearing up before it hardened and he spelled the air blue with his magic.

Everyone was left in awe at his display of magic as Crystal smirked a bit impressed, "You are a powerful wizard" she said

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Everyone was left in awe at his display of magic as Crystal smirked a bit impressed, "You are a powerful wizard" she said.

"Thank you Love" James said as he sat next to her, Stefan rolled his eyes as ignoring the ache in his heart seeing his love trapped helplessly.

As the Crystal snapped, Lady Potter/Leroy fell into arms of her husband as he secured her in his arms carrying her off to home.

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