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The year 1976 was buzzing with energy because of the welcome feast. The Marauders were goofing around and enjoying their last year of fun and Mischief. James Potter was seen staring at Lily Evans the muggle born bitch with a dazed smile, his brother in everything but blood who got disowned last year sat next to him talking with his werewolf boyfriend.

Just when everyone was getting ready to leave the Great hall's door shut closed and a few hooded figures appeared out of nowhere making McGonagall draw her wand out of the hosteler.

A boy, probably 18 years old with Avada Kedavra green eyes removed his hood making the great hall gasp as he looked exactly like James Potter, "We would like to introduce ourself but first we need to gather few others who are needed here. The work was handed by Mistress of Magic to us and we are here to show you the future." The green eyes boy said handing a scroll to McGonagall making her nod as others started talking about it, Mistress of Magic? Never in the history of magic have a witch sat at the position so high.

Harry summoned his wand and opened a Portal and a group of people stepped out of it. Them being Fleamont and Euphemia Potter, the Black family, The Malfoy's, Tonks' family accompanied by the Weasley family, Prewett twins, The Lestrange couple, lady Zabini alongside the Nott Couple, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Amelia Bones and Madeye Moody.

"Now, we are going to bring two people who are dead in the current time but they are needed. They are you parents Lord Potter, Charles Potter and Dorea Potter." Another hooded figure said as the two supposed dead people. Fleamont teared up along with Mia as he lunged himself towards his mother.

Dorea wrapped his arms around with a beautiful smile as she signed for James and Harry to join hug as if sensing something. Without a second two figures carshed into the hug along with Charles. Mia watched the heart felt moment with soft smile.

Soon they broke the hug as Dorea cupped Harry's face in her hands, "You look a lot like her." She said smiling at him making him beam. "He looks like Jamie mum what are you talking about" Monty said confused but Dorea just smiled and said-"He might look like James but she reflects in his smile."

"Who?" Mia asked making Dorea shake her head as she said-"you'll find out"

Harry went back to the others and started talking-

"Merry meet, myself Harry James Potter, I'm a Pureblood and my Parents are James Potter and you won't know my Mother since she studies in Ilvermory." He said making James shoulder sag, Harry noticed this and glared harshly at him making him furrow his brows.

Meanwhile, a certain Headmaster and a read head bitch scowled at the child one more than the other for ruining their plans.

"Merry meet, Myself Hermione Weasley ne' Granger and I'm a Muggle born witch." A girl said making Pureblood look at her in shock, it isn't everyday that you see a muggle witch speaking their way.

"Merry meet, myself Ron Weasley and I'm a Pureblood."

"Myself Ginny Potter ne' Weasley and I'm the first girl child in my family for the past five generations."

"Merry meet, Myself Theodore Nott and I'm a Pureblood"

"Merry meet, myself Daphne Nott ne' Greengras"

"Merry meet everyone, Myself Blaise Zabini, my mother is Dora Zabini"

"Merry meet ladies and gentlemen, Myself Draco Malfoy."

Dorea smiled softly at Harry along with Mia, "You have a son Prongs" Sirius mumbled in dis-belief. He was dead sure that his best friend will die single.

"Shall we start?" McGonagall asked but Daphne stopped her and said-"No, someone who is the sole reason of our plan isn't here yet. We will bring her, now!"

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