Chapter 05

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Next day- (Night time)

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Next day- (Night time)

Author pov :

Jiyo : why are you forcing me to go there ?

Heachi : Bcz he is an important go & please him .

Jiyo : Im in my period....& you know we cant do this .

Heachi: Who said you need to do s*x ...just give him blowjob ...other thing will done by another girl . Now go!!*smoking ciggerate *

Jiyo : *sigh* ok as you say .

Heachi nodded & smirk secretly

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Heachi nodded & smirk secretly .

Jiyo roll her eyes & goes out .

Heachi call someone after Jiyo gone .

Heachi : send him .

after few min a middle age man goes inside Heachi's office . Heachi bow to him & smirk at her boyfriend Jusung .

Man : I hope now i can take the boy with me .

Heachi : At first show us the money Mr. Song .

That man smirk & pull out his briefcase. He open it & there is lot of money .

Jusung and Heachi's eyes glow with greed .

Song : 1 million i promised.

Heachi : Jusung check the money .

Jusung nodded & started to check the money .


Jiyo run towards her room .

She quickly go inside her room & lock it .

Jiyo : Tae!!

Tae who is eating his dinner look at his mommy with puppy eyes . Jiyo hug him with teary eyes .

Jiyo : Baby we need to go now for our picnic .

Tae : At this time ? Mommy .

Jiyo ; yes baby ....u need to go ...or...or that witch will cage us .

Tae : Nu ...Mommy that witch cant cage us .

Jiyo : Now leave it ....let me help u .

With that Jiyo pull out tae's mini bag & few things .


When Heachi told Jiyo to handle a man she feel suspicious about Heachi's behaviour. After Jiyo left the office she heard Heachi calling her BF . Thats when Jiyo understand her plan . Jiyo hid & tell another girl who is her friend too .

Jiyo told her to handle that man with Jiyo's name . Her friend understood that maybe something is weird so she helped Jiyo & goes to that room.

Jiyo heard all the conversations between Heachi & that man . Thats why Jiyo run towards her room .

FlashBack End

Jiyo make Tae wear a t-shirt & hold him his mini bag .

But suddenly she heard a knock .

Heachi : Taehyung .

Jiyo gasp . & Quickly hide Tae under the bed properly.

Jiyo : Baby dont make noise or that witch will kill me

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Jiyo : Baby dont make noise or that witch will kill shhh... & stay here .

Tae feel scared & nodded . Jiyo hide him between boxes .

Jiyo then open the door .

Heachi : What are you doing here Jiyo ?

Jiyo : What do you mean ...? i did my work & now im here . *normally said*

Heachi gulp .

Heachi : Btw im here to take Tae with me for few min ....where is he ?

Jiyo : Tae isnt here ....After i came back to my room Tae wasnt here . Maybe Tae is with Somi .

Heachi nodded & look around Jiyo's room .

Heachi : Ok i will ask Somi .

With that Heachi left .

Jiyo slowly close the door .

Jiyo : Oh me .

Jiyo Quickly goes towards the bed . Tae came out .

Tae : Mommy what happened?

Jiyo : Nothing baby ....*teary* Baby we need to go...ok...listen to mommy ..ok bear .

Tae nodded with his innocent face .

Jiyo ; Baby Aunt Heachi will give you to a bad uncle ...he wants Tae ...& want to hurt Tae .

Tae gasp .

Tae : Mommy ...i dont want to go .*teary*

Jiyo: Thats why baby you need to go or that bad uncle will hurt you . ..ok my baby .

Tae nodded but suddenly Jiyo flinch as Heachi knocking her door .


Jiyo gasp & hide Tae again under the bed .

Jiyo : Baby SHHH....ok...dont make noise .*whisper*

Tae nodded & hide like before .

Jiyo gulp & open the door .

Heachi glare at Jiyo .

Heachi : Where is that boy ? *glare*

Jiyo : What happened Heachi ?

Heachi glares at her & goes near her with anger .

Greed is the worst enemy........


I hope you like it.......

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