Chapter 17

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Author Pov :

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Author Pov :

Kim Palace Office

Same Day-

Taehyung groans & rub his forehead

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Taehyung groans & rub his forehead.

Taehyung : This f*cking headache !!!

Taehyung sips the Tae as its helpful for him to get rid of the headache .

Suddenly he heard knocking .

Taehyung : Come in . *cold voice*

After hearing that Jackson come inside with a black file .

Jackson : Good Morning Master Kim is her details .

Taehyung : Hmm...keep it here ....

Jackson nodded & bowed to him.

After that Jackson left .

Jackson : *in mind* Why master wanted to know about a simple girl...?i thought she is enemy's related but ....i think i will figure out that .

Taehyung open the file & start reading .

Taehyung : Lin Y/n ...hmm....19 years old....just 8 years younger than me...*smirk*

Taehyung : Parents ...Lin Gong Hoo & Mother is Lin Saram .

Taehyung : Wait i heard this name somewhere...*confused * but where ?

Taehyung tried to remember but he failed so he skip it & read other details .

After reading her whole details his blood boiling.


Taehyung shouted & punched the table which made a cracking noise.

Taehyung : She needs me...

With that he pull out his phone from his pocket .

Taehyung : Wang cancel my 3 days all meetings we are going to Dongwoo village after 5 hours...prepare everything.

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