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I pulled away from Tiffany, collapsing next to her. The pain of the morph is too much to maintain a connection.

Bones cracked and reformed, and I couldn't help but scream and cry out. My teeth and jaws elongated. I felt feverish. This was worse than going through Enmagica.

How long would this last?

I felt sick at the sound of ripping. My muscles tore and stretched unnaturally.

A growling could be heard. Was it me or Tiffany? Was it her wolf?

It felt like hours had gone by. I understood why Tiffany was afraid.


Then it was all over.

Panting, I felt strangely full of energy. I opened my eyes to see fur as black as the night and hands on my body.

"Thank you."

It was her wolf with eyes shining bright, reflecting the clear full moon in their yellow iris. She laid on her back and rolled over to her four paws.

I shifted too, to sit up, but quickly stopped when the feeling felt foreign.


My movements felt heavy as my head turned to Leo. His hands touched my body... but not my skin.

"This is outrageous!" Carl shouted; his face red as he fumed.

"Do you think to mock us?" he spat, quickly walking away in frustration, the circle broken.


Leo continued to speak to me calmly, "Can't turn into a cat, but you can turn into a wolf... unbelievable." He smiled and shook his head.

My eyes widened, and I lifted my hand to my line of sight.

Lo and behold, a larger white paw entered my vision.


Cheryl entered my vision, and I heard the alpha ask Tiffany, "Are you okay?"

Tiffany howled, "Why didn't I do this before? This is amazing!"

"Your first shift is painful. After tonight, no more pain."

She ran out of the area as fast as possible, leaving the fur pelts and shredded dress behind. It was like a blur. Her brother Corey quickly followed suit. Probably to keep an eye on her.

Whereas I am a Bambi trying to stand.

"How do I change back?" I tried to ask aloud.

Leo just looked at me confused, "I can't understand you..." He looked to Cheryl for guidance.

Instead, Jack guffawed a laugh before Cheryl could say anything, "Full of surprises, lass!"


After being coaxed by the Luna, I sat on my newly formed four-pawed posture. A light bulb finally hit Leo, while Jack remained unhelpful.

"You don't know how to turn back, do you?"

I gently shook my head. No.

A howl overtook the full-mooned night. Excitement overtook the pack, and Alpha and Luna shared a look before quickly moving to the treeline and transforming.

The pack party began.

Jack included, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, Leo!"

Jack began to shift into his larger wolf form.

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