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Every letter that came after that was burned immediately by Leo. It was hard to keep them hidden from his family and mine. The poor raven delivering them was ignored and nearly cooked. This was the angriest I had seen him. On the surface, he was his usual self, but I knew underneath he was tense. Stewing.

He was worried.

The closer it came to Yule, the tenser he became. Knowing we would have to face Morgan soon.

"Ouch!" he cried.

"Relax," I teased.

He huffed a sigh.

"All these knots..." I muttered.

I instead found his earlobes and coaxed him to relax fully back.

"Deep breaths..." I whispered into his ear, "We have our alone time first before seeing her..." I reminded.

He finally relaxed, remembering his words, "True... Can't wait."

"Neither can I." I returned to the annoying knot.

"Ouch! Lex!"

"Oh, shush."


Yule day broke dawn on the 21st of December. Watching the late sunrise was an easy celebration. The longest night of the year had finally come. After this day, the day grows longer, and the night, shorter.

Throughout the day would be celebrations. Sharing gifts, feasting, kisses under the mistletoe and once more another coven get-together.

A time for joy as they say...

Mum got a call from Uncle Keiron.

"Don't panic."

"Oh goddess... what?" Mum muttered whilst baking with the phone on loudspeaker.

"The council have found out. I'm being pulled in for questioning."

"What? Today?!"

"Yes. Right now." Keiron's voice could barely be heard, "I'm going to try..."



"No comment."

"Mr Langton. Please. We need your help to protect the community."

Keiron kept silent still, arms folded, his body language closed off. He knew it was only a matter of time before The Council got wind of what happened at the Abbey, and Keiron's enquiries around a particular book of death tipped them off.

The detective sighed, "We just want to keep the people safe."

"Safe from who?"

"You tell me."

Keiron knew the name game, "I can't disclose a name. GDPR and that..." he trailed off, looking at the ceiling.

"So, you do have a name?"

Damn it.

"You don't?" Keiron questioned in fake surprise.

"Mr Langton. Keiron..." The Detective switched his approach, leaning over the table, "I know you have been asking about the Vitamortum spell and the afterlife. I also have it on good authority that, the spell was cast in Whitby Abbey."

The Detective's voice lowered, "Just tell us the truth or it will be forced out of you."

Taking a deep breath, Keiron knew the threat was true. Yet he wanted to probe further.

"Do you know why the spell was cast?" Keiron faked interest.

"Enlighten me?"

Keiron smirked and huffed a small laugh, "You have no idea..."

Protecting Earth and Turbulent WatersWhere stories live. Discover now